Some trust in chariots and some in horses,

but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Psalm 20:7



Not every drop of rain will cause a flood

Not every puff of wind a tornado make

Sometimes you just have to stop

Breathe in Jesus and trust in His name.

~Marcie Bridges
Β©5 August 2019



My Mother-in-law, Nell

This week my mother-in-law is 90 years old. Because her birthday is in the middle of the week, we took time yesterday to surprise her with a birthday party.


Nell was born the year the Great Depression began, lived through World War II, married in 1946, raised two children and watched 4 grandchildren grow up, as well as two great-grandchildren. She has seen many presidents come and go, lived through the civil rights movement, β€œwitnessed” assassinations, and watched the first man to walk on the moon. She has seen several eras of music transform and technologies change. Cars are not at all what they used to be!


Even at 90 years old she has a sharp mind and good wit. And she’s earned the right to speak her mind and tell us like it is.


I greatly enjoyed listening to Nell and my mom talk yesterday, comparing their growing up years. (My mom was born in 1949). They had many similarities growing up. From the size of their families to what they ate and how they dated, fell in love, and how their parents did things. It was such a treat just sitting back listening and learning.



Nell doesn’t get philosophical very often but when we asked her what it feels like to be 90 years old she had this to say:Β  β€œDon’t take life so seriously. Don’t worry about things so much. Learn to laugh and laugh often. And love each other. Hold each other close. Tomorrow isn’t promised.”


Mother and son love

And that’s what I wanted to say this week. Even before she gave us that advice I’d already written the above poem. So many times we let the small things become big things. We hear bad news and immediately we make it into a mountain to conquer, forgetting that God is already preparing for us a solution to each problem. In fact, He has already provided for whatever is lying ahead of us.


I’ve tried to remind myself lately nothing takes God by surprise. It may take us by surprise, but not Him. He has already gone before us to make a way where it seems there is no way.


Some circumstances are mountains that we must let God lead us up one hand-hold and foot-hold at a time. However, 90% of what we worry about, fret over, and make into mountains are just little wisps of dust. They never materialize into anything and we have wasted our energy on it.


So, as my sweet mother-in-law said, don’t worry so much. Laugh often and love each other. God’s got this. Both the dust and the mountain.


From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie πŸ™‚


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