
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


An Exceptional Thanksgiving

When it rains it pours in threes or more
words of hate roll off our tongue
one, by one, by one.


Joy once etched across miles of wrinkles
become thoughts of rage in broken pieces
shattered, scattered, hardened heart.


Waiting for light to peek through foggy haze
the windows barred shut, curtains drawn
life subsists, life drifts, life drains.


Is this all there is?
Just beaten up promises and frozen limbs?
And we wait, we wait, and we wait.


Not a prayer on the lips or a praise on the heart
daily living has become a tedious chore
tick tock, goes the clock, tick tock.


But the roof overhead, the car in the shed
the food that keeps showing up at the door
given, we take, we receive.


And there in the midst of the pouring rain
the wind driving hair into the face
we kneel, we speak, we pray.


A new hymn begins with the music of Him
wrinkles smoothed out with upturned tears
lifted, longed for, thanks.


~Marcell Warner Bridges
© November 2013, all rights reserved.
(For Nan)

In a few short days it will be November. Let that sink in for just a minute. 2018 is coming to a rapid close.


Just curious: why is it the older we get the faster the years fly by?


When September arrived and all my friends were exalting over Fall coming I was not. Personally, I love Spring time. At least with Spring I have warmth to look forward to. And greenery. Pink buds on trees. New life and new growth.


But Fall? Well, okay, I love the fall colors of the trees. I do admit, I anticipate the changing colors and all of their glory. I can’t wait to go up to the Blue Ridge Parkway and take pictures of the fabulous scenery. But I do not look forward to the cold. And Winter.


Winter comes after Fall. Sigh.


I know what you’re thinking. “Marcie, you’re being a downer here. And what does any of this have to do with your poem on thankfulness?”


Hang with me a sec. I’m coming to it.


But seriously, Winter is not my favorite time of year at all. I’m what you would call a lukewarm person. I don’t like being too hot or too cold. I want to feel just right. (Sounds like a story I heard once about a bear or a girl with blonde hair. Hmm…)


But God doesn’t want us being lukewarm people. He wants us to be ignited for Him.



How do I do that when I feel so down and out? How do I shine His light out into the world when my world feels like it has fallen to pieces and there’s no warmth in sight?


With joy, prayer, and thanksgiving.


Rejoice always. Remember our lesson a few weeks ago about being joyful even when we don’t feel like it? (Find it here and part 2 here.)


Pray without ceasing. Well how do I do that? I can’t sit and pray all day! Yes, you can. In your car, pray. On your couch, pray. Doing dishes? Pray. Sitting at a desk staring at a computer screen? Yes, pray. Even if they are short prayers. Maybe they are one word prayers. Maybe it’s as simple as, “Thank you Lord for this moment with You.” Someone on your heart? You don’t have to make it a long drawn out prayer. “Lord, please be with my friend. Help her to feel loved by You right now.”


And in everything give thanks. Not just some things. Everything! Because a “thankful heart is a happy heart”.*



November rings in the holidays. Thanksgiving is one of my favorites. Beginning Thursday, November 1st I will be doing my annual 30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems. I hope you will join me. You can find them on Facebook, Twitter, and new this year: Instagram.


I know it is hard to be thankful when life feels anything but good, but learning to experience everyday in thanks-living is a gift not only to us, but to those around us.


Go on, try it. Try saying out loud a few things you are thankful for or writing them down and see if your face doesn’t turn that frown upside down.


From My Heart to Yours,




*Veggie Tales, The Thankfulness Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlVOMSwWJAU

All pictures provided by: http://www.pixabay.com

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