I will be glad and rejoice in your love,

for you saw my affliction

and knew the anguish of my soul.

Psalm 31:7


Awake, awake my soul

to the One who never lets go

don’t ever lose wonder of hope

there’s never an end to this rope.

This is your day, take heart

let His peace fill the deepest part

as it flows through the flats and sharps

lose yourself in the beauty of His art.

Awake, oh my soul, to Jesus

in Him is your every reason

for living and breathing and being.

Once again, my soul, it’s worth repeating

to the One who never lets go, giving hope

live each day in abandoned thanks-living

just because you’re alive and breathing.


~Marcie Bridges
©31 March 2020


“This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”  Psalm 118:24


This day was made for us. Just for us. Each of us.


It was made for me, individually. But, it was also made for you, just you.


A present from our heavenly Father, each day is a gift we should be grateful for. Yes, even the days that are dreary and the days that are downright scary.


I know, no matter how many times someone quotes 2 Timothy 1:7 (God has not given us a spirit of fear), it can still be hard not to allow anxiety and fear to settle into our minds and hearts. To be sure, this is a scary time. Each day we are given new statistics and warnings that are more dire than ones before. Wouldn’t it be so easy to just curl up into a ball in the corner and stay there under this is over?

But God doesn’t want us living in fear. What He wants is to give us peace and comfort and joy. He desires for us to live each day as gift of thanksgiving to Him.


“Peace WITH God is our permanent possession when we believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation, but the peace OF God is conditional upon a believer being in a relationship with the Lord Jesus – as we abide in Christ, trust His Word, depend on His guidance, die to self and live for Him.” ¹



Instead of spending each day in worry, let’s seek to remember the things we are thankful for. When we live in thanksgiving, we have peace with God. God has seen our afflictions and the anguish of our souls, and He will not let us go.


Oh Lord, awaken my soul to You. May I keep my mind on You. And be thankful for each day as You breathe Your breath into my lungs so I can be a blessing to others.


From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂



¹ What Does Colossians 3:15 mean?


Today begins National Poetry Month for 2020! I’m a little late to remembering it,

but be on the lookout for lots of poetry and poetry articles on my Facebook Page


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