by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges 

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Isaiah 7:14


Proclaimed throughout the ages
God with us He would be
born of a virgin, in flesh He’d come
as a baby for you and for me.

Fear within is no match
when Emmanuel’s presence abides
Going before us, protecting behind
and His perfect peace lives inside.

In the fullness of the season
may our hearts be an open door
welcoming Jesus our Savior,
Emmanuel, God with us, forevermore. 

~Marcell Warner Bridges
Β©10, December 2017
All Rights Reserved.

Dear Lord,

Some of us are not feeling at all prepared for Christmas. For whatever reasons, our trees are not up twinkling and bright. Decorations are still packed away in boxes, waiting for their moment to emerge back to life. The anticipation of the season wore thin the minute the word β€œChristmas” was uttered. Lord, our lives are feeling a bit overwhelmed and rushed by the hustle and bustle that is to come.

So we ask You Lord today, to come. Come be with us. As Your name, Emmanuel β€” God with us β€” promises. We ask You to remove our fear. Our fear of not being enough. Not having enough. Not doing enough. Remove from our hearts the stone that is forming, hardening us to the wonder of the season. Help us to remember what this is really all about. You.

Help us to know that even though it is fun to have the decorations, lights, trees, and presents and baking food to fill our bellies full of goodness; there is so much more to Christmas. Help us to remember that with You, we can have Christmas each and every day because You are Emmanuel, God with us. God in us. No matter how frustrated we may become, help us to find peace in You and only You.

Thank You for sending us Your son, Jesus. Thank You for sending us Your Holy Spirit. Dwelling among us. Dwelling within us. Emmanuel.

From My Heart to Yours,
Need a Christmas present that will touch hearts? My poetry book, Broken & Spilled Out, is available for purchase 


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