If I Were a Christmas Tree


If I were a Blue Spruce

I’d be as happy as can be

waiting for the day

I’d be picked as a Christmas tree.

How special to be the one

chosen for such a wonderful day

the day we celebrate the coming of our King.

Out of all the trees in the field

I get to be loaded on a truck

taken to a special lot

to be chosen like a new puppy or a cat!

Then I’ll travel to a different home

be planted in their living room

filled with lights and decorations

for all the world to see,

and underneath my foliage

gifts for the oldest, to youngest, and in-between.

Yet, I know my time will come,

when I won’t be special anymore

but hey, you know what?

It will be worth it for all the girls and boys.

Sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves

to give the greatest gifts

even if we don’t agree with traditions

being a servant to our God

no matter what the cost

is the happiest, most wonderful, gift we give of all.


~Marcie Bridges

©17 December 2021



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