“Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken,Smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”  Isaiah 53:4-6

I stood on the side of the hill
looking up at the form hanging
on two boards in the shape of a cross
arms attached by wrists imprisoned with nails
feet crossed one on top of the other
splintered by iron
A crown of thorns dug into his scalp
and blood, so much blood
running, streaming down.

The sign reads, “King of the Jews”,
people snicker at the accused
Son of God? They laugh and spit
I see no joy in any of it.

His eyes so full of sorrow

tears mix clear with red
I want to turn away
something about Him compels me to stay
feels as if He is looking only at me
my heart does not want to beat
there is so much love and compassion
emanating from His gaze
I cannot bring myself to look away.
In that moment I hear Him say
“I love you this much my child,
My death is not in vain
Believe in Me right now, today
In your heart I’ll come to stay.”

Then all at once He closed His eyes
“It is finished!” I heard Him sigh
darkness like none I’ve ever known
the earth shook me to my knees
I cried out, “Father God forgive me please!”
Light around me shone
peace descended like a dove
I looked up to where He’d hung
felt His presence and overwhelming love.

Looked inside the tomb where He’d been laid
He is not there, He’s risen again
now I know without a doubt
there is power in His blood
mercy and grace overflows like a flood
forgiveness was granted day
and in the shadow of the Old Rugged Cross
I remain.

~Marcell Warner Bridges 

©14, November 2014
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“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 
Tears pool in my eyes as I reflect on Jesus’ love for me. As He prayed, “Not my will, but Yours”, and as He took the beatings with the whip, as He trudged up the hill bearing a cross, thorns digging into His scalp and hanging on the cross looking mangled, un-human. It’s almost more than I can bear.

To say I am thankful for my salvation seems so trite. 

I want to REFLECT that thankfulness. I want to LIVE that thankfulness.

Because soaking in Thanksgiving brings greater Thanksliving.


I’m learning to live with a heart of Thanksgiving
Not just a thank you here and there
Not just when skies are lovely and fair
Not just when the sun comes out to play
I’m learning in all things, in all ways,
To live with a heart of Thanksliving each day.
No matter the time, no matter the place,
If life is a mess and too much in the way,
There’s always a reason, always can I say
God, thank You for this miraculous day.
Thanksliving is daily seeking the good
A time to pause and sit with the Lord
Brings joy to the weary, troubled soul
A heart of Thanksgiving brings a greater Thanksliving.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©14, November 2014

“I love you…that’s what Calvary said…I love you…written in red”

© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2014

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