Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me!
For my soul trusts in You;
And in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge,
Until these calamities have passed by.
Psalm 57:1
Tell me it’s going to be all right
it’s going to be okay tonight
tell me I’m not alone
even though in this room
I’m all by myself with no one.
Isolation is the worst of enemies
it keeps us to ourselves, empty
the distance can become too great
when we are left to self-denigrate.
But this isn’t the way it is supposed to be
this isn’t the life we were meant to lead
we were made for more than pleasing ourselves
we were made for loving and serving others.
No matter how introverted you are
(the extroverted are not excused from this lie)
God made us to go and be salt and light
to a world so dark, black as midnight.
Tell me it is going to be all right, Lord
hold me close to Your heart this night
draw me close to You oh Lord,
be a refuge to my heart and mind.
~Marcie Bridges
©24 March 2020
“…in the shadow of Your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by.”
The truth is, I don’t want to write about what we are going through as a nation right now. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to talk about it. I know if it is getting on my last nerve to see others writing and posting about it, I am absolutely sure, many of you are too.
Which is why I’m struggling with this post. But as soon as I read this verse today, I knew it was my subject for the week. And I’ve resisted it all day long. Simply because I didn’t want to write about this virus in any way, shape, or form.
But here I am. Thinking about this word ‘calamities’ and realizing we are waiting for this calamity to pass us by. And in our waiting, we are seeking refuge from it.
I realized this evening I have not sought refuge in God at all. I’ve allowed my irritability of not being free to go and do whatever I want to do when I want to do it, keep me on edge. Instead of focusing on God, and what is good and pure and right, I’ve allowed this predicament to invade my spirit.
In a way, I’ve let it be an idol in my life. Because anything we focus on more than Jesus, is an idol. It doesn’t matter if it is a good thing we are focused on either. Whatever we are thinking about the most and allowing to invade our life to a point of single-mindedness, is an idol.
I’m sorry. That’s the unvarnished truth. And yes. It hurts a bit, doesn’t it?
So, how do we live with this calamity, and not make it an idol?
I believe the answer is in prayer. Getting on our knees in prayer and asking God to forgive us for our distance from Him. Then placing our trust in God alone to get us through this.
We may need to take a break from social media for now, but as we distance ourselves from the onslaught of the world and the news, let us draw near to God and He will draw near to us.
And yes, it will be all right.
From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂
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