by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, 
          the evidence of things not seen.  Hebrews 11:1


Just a glimpse of Your grace
through curtained space
beautiful reflections of Your face.
Watching sunset and moon play
to Your symphony of praise
as You conduct sweet harmonies.
A palate of colors only You can create
dancing, singing,  uplifting my faith.
Just a glimpse of Your glory
I can only imagine the story
one day it will no longer be told
as we walk the streets of gold.
Then Your face we will see
bowing in reverence for eternity
faith will be made sight
as the curtain falls
Your glorious light.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©13 March 2016, All Rights Reserved.

     “HOPE FOR WHAT YOU DO NOT SEE; EAGERLY wait for it with perseverance.
Among the five senses, sight is often the one that people value the
most. I created the world gloriously beautiful, and I want you to
appreciate beauty when you see it. However, more beneficial than sight
is hope, which is itself a kind of vision. It enables you to see—through
the eyes of your heart—things that are not yet. The most stunning
example of this is the hope of heaven. Your ultimate destiny is to share
in My Glory! This is My promise to you, secured through My finished
work on the cross and My resurrection.
      Practice hoping for things
you do not see—both for this life and the next. Ask Me to guide you into
hopes and dreams that are in line with My will. Train the eyes of your
heart to “see” these blessings, while praying for My will to be done
fully and only. Discipline yourself to wait eagerly—with your focus on
Me and the longed-for outcome. Remain hopeful and expectant as you wait
with perseverance
.” (Sarah Young, Jesus Today – bold accent mine for emphasis)¹
This week I along with many, many other friends celebrated the home-going of a wonderfully special, precious lady. Her passing has made me long for heaven and for the joy she is experiencing. As I stared out my window this evening through a slit in the blinds I could see only a bit of the sky as it turned from blue to orange and pink. It reminded me that for now I only have a glimpse of what is to come but one day I will see fully the gloriousness of Him in all His brilliance and glory.

For now, I “walk by faith, not by sight” ², keeping my eyes focused on Him with a hope and expectation of seeing Him one day soon.

From My Heart to Yours,

¹Jesus Today: Experience Hope Through His Presence by Sarah Young. Devotion 63, pages 146-147.

²2Corinthians 5:7 “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”  


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