The heavens declare the glory of God;

    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

Psalm 19:1



It’s in the sunrise in the morning and the sunset in the eve

Among the howling winds, whispered through the breeze

You’ll find it in a lovely, sunny day, but also in the gray

If you search for it closely, seek it with all your heart

This most beautiful of all gifts, its name is



~Marcie Bridges

©6 February 2019



The love of God knows no bounds. We cannot fathom the depth, breath, or height of His love. *


One of my favorite things to do when I need a peaceful respite, is to go on YouTube and watch time-lapse videos. If you’ve never watched one, these videos are usually of a scenic nature of an island or country. Besides being inspiring and relaxing, it’s my way of traveling around the world.


For example, you might enjoy this two-minute one from Australia: . See if you can’t take your eyes off of it as it declares the glory of God through the heavens.


I also enjoy watching videos of flowers opening, there’s one of ships at sea, and so many unique time-lapse videos to watch! God has made so many wonderful, beautiful places upon this earth it is just breathtaking.


And through it all, He declares His love for us. You know, He could’ve just made everything dull, brown or grey, and lifeless. But out of sheer love for us — and for His creation — He gave us brilliant colors, majestic waterfalls, starry nights, and Carolina blue skies.


So, what are you waiting for? Step outside, breathe in the air, stand and take in the love of God around you. Oh! And take some notes, then come back and in the comments section, tell me what you saw or thought about while basking in His love.


From My Heart to Yours,

Marcie 🙂



* Ephesians 3:14-21

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