Pondering The Poetic Heart
Pondering the Poetic Heart is a place to guide our spirits into place of contemplative rest. As a poet, I long to encourage you to find hope and healing through the process of reflecting on God, love, life, and all things that capture the spirit through the written word.
In the month of November, I will lead us through a time of thanksgiving through my 30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems. In December we will ring the bells of Christmas. There will also be other times through the year when we will celebrate love, just for fun poetry, and more. I pray this will be a place of loving contentment for all of us.
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Musings…
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems 2024, Day 25: Musings...
What is contentment? What do we do when we are discontented?
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Sing a Song of Thanksgiving
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems 2024, Day 24: Sing a Song of Thanksgiving
How can we give thanks without singing praise for Jesus's birth?
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Suncatchers
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Suncatchers
Thanking God for the childlike wonder He gives us no matter how old we are.
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: An Invitation
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems 2024, Day 22: An Invitation
a time to relax in warmth and love to savor at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Good & Perfect Gifts
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems, Day 21: Good & Perfect Gifts
James 1:17 tells us every good & perfect gift is from our Father above. How much sweeter is His gifts more than any other?
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: A Thanksgiving Blessing
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems 2024, Day 20: A Thanksgiving Blessing
a simple blessing and prayer for us to be quiet and still at Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Do You Trust Me?
Thanksgiving Poems 2024, Day 19: Do You Trust Me? Close your eyes for a great big surprise!
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Faithful
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems, Day 18: Faithful
Reflecting on God's faithfulness to us no matter the circumstances in our lives
Thanksgiving Poems 2024: Trees and Me
30 Days of Thanksgiving Poems, Day 17: Trees and Me
Did you know our bodies and trees are similar in how they function? God sure is creative!