by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

β€œas newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.”  
1 Peter 2:2-3
will You please read me a story?

Tell me all about the children who
sat upon Your knee
tell me about the men and women
You set free.

Read to me the story of the prodigal son
and what about the widow’s mite?
The one who had none.

Sicknesses healed with just a slight touch
a little girl brought back to life, or,
how the sea calmed to disciples surprised delight
then Peter walked on water his faith becoming sight.

please read to me how You sent Your son
a babe born in a manger grew to minister for You
how he was despised and rejected
then went to the cross…

and tell me dear Daddy
the sweet, tender ending when he rose from the grave
talked to so many then ascended to Your glory.

Oh Daddy, dear Father,
let me crawl into Your lap lay my head against Your breast
tell me the stories again and again
of Your grace and faithfulness.

Let me breath in Your scent snuggle in Your strong arms
Oh Daddy, sweet Abba Father,
thank You for caring and loving me so.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
Β©19 June 2016
The next time you feel in need of encouragement, take a moment to crawl up into your Father’s lap and let Him read to you. He’s the best storyteller I know!
From My Heart to Yours,

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