by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

He reached down from high above and took hold of me. He pulled me out of the raging water. He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, because they were too strong for me. On the day when I faced disaster, they confronted me, but the Lord became my defense. He brought me out to a wide-open place. He rescued me because he was pleased with me.
2 Samuel 22:17-20 (GW)
Karen Murphy Photography, ©2016

You came at me
    with sharpened sword

thought I was finished
    thrust it downward
as you grinned¹
        But God

You shoot at me
    with bow and arrows
think you’ve hit your target
    one after another
pointing at my heart²
        But God

You threw me
     into a pit
deep and dark where
    hungry lions live
smacking jaws, licking paws³
        But God

You shoved me
    into a fiery furnace
cackling, anticipating
    flames that would burn
flesh and skin4

        But God…

Stepped in front of you
slicing with the Sword of the Spirit
using my Shield of Faith
lions sleep in peace
baptizing me in redemption’s flames.

Head on pillow, tears filling the ocean
closing my eyes in reverent devotion
Jesus—Your name becomes my potion
sinking into deep sweet sleep to the motion
my heart and Your heart beating together
as one — while I dream —
my Knight in shining armor rescuing
me into His strong, loving arms.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©2016, All Rights Reserved.

wonder if you are anything like me when reading certain portions of
Scripture and question if it really applies to us?

love reading Psalms. They are such a comfort and help to my soul. Not
to mention it’s poetry! When I read David’s words asking God to confront
his enemies though, I often picture a battle of two armies coming
together. Or maybe Saul advancing on David or one of his other enemies.
These enemies are real. They’re tangible.

then I wonder—who are MY enemies? I don’t have anyone coming to attack
me. I don’t have any armies advancing against me. After much thought, I
made a list. Do you recognize any of my enemies?


*Discouragement  *Doubt  *Insecurity  *Fear  *Bitterness *Jealousy  *Anger  *Distrust  * Worry  *Wayward Thoughts 
This is by no means an exhaustive list; they’re just a few that come directly to mind at the moment.

BUT GOD! … will step in for us when we call upon Him to fight these enemies. God will vanquish our foes when we put on our armor (Ephesians 6:12-20)  and let Him take over the battle. 
As I lay down to nap yesterday feeling tired, overwhelmed and anxious I began to speak Jesus’ name over and over then I sank into a peaceful sleep. His name is that powerful! 

What enemies are you wrestling with? I’d love to pray with you and encourage you in the Lord today.

From My Heart to Yours,

(click on each verse to open a new window to read them)


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