

In their hearts humans plan their course,
but the Lord establishes their steps.

Proverbs 16:9



I hate change. I always have.


Perhaps it stems from moving so much in my life. I never felt I had a place to call home.


One of my dearest friends grew up much like I did. Her father was also in the Air Force and her family moved as often or more than mine. When asked where she is from she replies, “I’m a woman of the world.”


I hear ya. I know that feeling.


Depending on what type of change we are facing or going through will depend on whether it is good or bad. Often it feels bad at the moment, but in hindsight, it is the best thing that ever happened to us.



Just as equally hard for me is decision-making. I can wander around a Hallmark© store for an hour or longer trying to decide whether or not the card in my hand is the right one for the person I’m thinking of buying it for.


How ridiculous is that?


But God’s ways are not our ways and God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. So when we face a decision that impacts our life in a major way, we must remember to make the decision in the framework of prayer.


Prayer becomes the focus of whether we go or we don’t go. Whether we do or don’t do. Whether we speak or don’t speak.


Prayer can lead us on the path we think we should be going on; or, point us to a detour.




Mini Marcie and I are alone in a room at a conference center. It’s very quiet in here. I have music playing but the plain truth is, I’m feeling quite lonely tonight. My husband has said goodnight from our home and others I was once having conversations with via text or messenger have silently slipped away.


I spent some time crying. Thinking seriously about packing up and going home in the morning. But slowly the tears have stopped and I have regrouped, asking the Lord for a word from Him. I know I’m here for a reason. I have appointments I need to keep with authors who need to talk with me.


I made the decision weeks ago to come because I felt the Lord telling me to. Am I going to turn around now and slap Him in the face so to speak? Tell Him He’s wrong? Or am I going to choose to obey Him even when I am not sure what I’m doing or why I’m here?


And so I turn to prayer. Prayer for guidance. Prayer for wisdom. Prayer for help.


Opening  the notes app on my cell phone I found this poem I wrote a few weeks ago:

Reveal Your heart to me, O Lord,
that I may see You
everyday in everything
and in every way.

Nothing escapes Your hand
even the smallest of the land
bows down at the mention
of Your name.

Reveal Your heart to me, O Lord,
don’t let me go
pull me toward You
whenever I want to stray.

Hold me close
encircle me with Your presence
that I might stand
against all evil.

You are my King
You are my God
You are my Lord
You are mine
from now

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©21, April 2018

The next time you find yourself in a situation that is foreign to you, when you are facing a change in your life or are trying to make a decision, find time to pray. Seek God. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.


And even when the tears flow, so will peace. God’s perfect peace.


From My Heart to Yours,


Thank you to www.pixabay.com for providing the pictures.



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