Over the last year, a friend has been sharing through her blog posts how God heals through even the worst circumstances in our lives. One day last year I was reading through her many posts, getting caught up on what I had missed (she’s up to part 25 now!) and I came across three beautiful pictures she took while in Ireland. The first one is the moon coming up, just peaking over the horizon. The second, a beautiful pink flower. And the third picture was an ivy wall with a door in it—think of the movie, The Secret Garden.
As I stared at the exquisite pictures, words swirled in my head, and the following three-part poem developed, each stanza based off each picture. Because the pictures are hers, I did not want to steal or borrow them, so I found some as close as I could for this blog post.
This year feels a bit like a gift. Maybe a wonder. I’ve been opening it carefully, unwrapping one side at a time. Peeking inside, trying to figure out what God has for me this year to learn, to do, to be, and to go.
My word for this year is healing. Spiritually, physically, mentally. I turn 49 in a couple of months and I want to enter my next decade of life in a good space. As I prayed about this word and asked God what Bible verse might go with it, He led me to Isaiah 40:31.
But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
I love this verse! It’s one of my favorites. I’m hoping to walk into my 50’s with renewed strength, unwearied, and not fainting. How about you? What is God speaking to you this year? Any goals or dreams? I’d love to hear about them.
From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 😊
Is it me?
Feeling a bit hesitant
to ascend and be
who I really
no, need,
to be
Can I fully open to what waits for me?
The beauty I know would awaken
if I would just…
as I have dreamed and dreamed and dreamed
A door
inviting me
to walk through
dare I?
I wonder where that path leads?
(M.B. ©2020)
Pictures provided by www.unsplash.com and www.pixabay.com
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