we just don’t know what to say. We watch
a tragedy happen and all we can do is cry or shake our heads. There are no
words to say. Only raw emotion at the sight of what we are seeing. Sometimes we
cannot comprehend the depth of what we are seeing simply because we have never
witnessed it first-hand. Sometimes we do not comprehend it because it is so
deep and disturbing that it does not fully sink into our brain. We try to put words to it, but we fail
miserably because there are just no words to
say. This is where I am right now.
This is what I am feeling.
we just don’t know what to say. We watch
a tragedy happen and all we can do is cry or shake our heads. There are no
words to say. Only raw emotion at the sight of what we are seeing. Sometimes we
cannot comprehend the depth of what we are seeing simply because we have never
witnessed it first-hand. Sometimes we do not comprehend it because it is so
deep and disturbing that it does not fully sink into our brain. We try to put words to it, but we fail
miserably because there are just no words to
say. This is where I am right now.
This is what I am feeling.
I have had loss in my life but
compared to the tragedies of this year around the country, my losses are so
insignificant I feel almost ashamed that I ever cared so much or cried so much
over those things in my life that to me at the time were so big and
significant. So the truth of it is I
feel that my words would be meaningless that I would, or could write, if I had
words to write, about the tornadoes, the bombings, the shootings. I could echo words of sadness and say how
sorry I am that these people have had this happen to them. I could quote a
Bible verse or two to try to explain how I feel or provide encouragement. I
could say a few fluffy words that might bring a small smile. But would any of
it mean anything to any of them? I don’t know. It is like going to a funeral
and trying to put words to a person for how sorry you are for their loss but
all they can do is nod and say thank you when you know inside of yourself it
really meant nothing. There is nothing that can make them feel better right
then. I never know what to say to someone in those moments, so I wonder if not
saying anything is really the better idea. I guess part of me thinks everybody
else has already written articles and sentiments on it all, what is there left
to write?
compared to the tragedies of this year around the country, my losses are so
insignificant I feel almost ashamed that I ever cared so much or cried so much
over those things in my life that to me at the time were so big and
significant. So the truth of it is I
feel that my words would be meaningless that I would, or could write, if I had
words to write, about the tornadoes, the bombings, the shootings. I could echo words of sadness and say how
sorry I am that these people have had this happen to them. I could quote a
Bible verse or two to try to explain how I feel or provide encouragement. I
could say a few fluffy words that might bring a small smile. But would any of
it mean anything to any of them? I don’t know. It is like going to a funeral
and trying to put words to a person for how sorry you are for their loss but
all they can do is nod and say thank you when you know inside of yourself it
really meant nothing. There is nothing that can make them feel better right
then. I never know what to say to someone in those moments, so I wonder if not
saying anything is really the better idea. I guess part of me thinks everybody
else has already written articles and sentiments on it all, what is there left
to write?
But I really wanted to write
something so I kept asking God what to write. I told Him I wanted to write
something of value. Something that would give someone a little something to
hang their hat on in this time of need. Then the lyrics of this song came to
mind and began playing over and over in my head and my heart. It is called “Hope Now” by Addison Road:
something so I kept asking God what to write. I told Him I wanted to write
something of value. Something that would give someone a little something to
hang their hat on in this time of need. Then the lyrics of this song came to
mind and began playing over and over in my head and my heart. It is called “Hope Now” by Addison Road:
When my life is like
a storm
a storm
Rising waters all I
want is the shore
want is the shore
You say I’ll be ok
Make it through the
You are my shelter
from the storm
from the storm
Everything rides on
hope now
hope now
Everything rides on
faith somehow
faith somehow
When the world has
broken me down
broken me down
Your love sets me
I am not my own
I’ve been carried by you
my whole life
my whole life
Our hope is
in the Lord. Our help is in the Lord. Our strength is in the Lord. And with
every storm we encounter, He will either quiet it for us by telling it to be
still or He will carry us through it until we are able to walk on water with
Him through eyes of faith.
May you find His peace and His
help and His strength today. ~Marcie
help and His strength today. ~Marcie
PSALM 40:1- 3,16
& 17
& 17
I waited patiently for the
Lord; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry.
Lord; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry.
(2) He also brought me up out of
a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And
established my steps.
a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And
established my steps.
(3) He has put a new song in my
mouth—Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord.
…(16) Let all those who seek You
rejoice and be glad in You;Let such as love Your salvation say continually,
“The Lord be magnified!”
mouth—Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the Lord.
…(16) Let all those who seek You
rejoice and be glad in You;Let such as love Your salvation say continually,
“The Lord be magnified!”
(17) But I am poor and needy; Yet the Lord thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not
delay, O my God.
delay, O my God.
Dear God, Most Precious Heavenly Father, please be our hope and our
strength today. For those who have lost loved ones and lost everything they
have please be their shelter in this storm and the provision they need as they
look around them wondering how they will go on from here. Forgive me Lord, for
being selfish in my thoughts of complaint and worrying over what I think I need
or for worrying over the things that to me are so important. But You, O God,
have provided not just for today but for tomorrow. May we look to You, no, SEEK
YOU, with our whole hearts for the rest and peace and care we need. In Jesus
Name Above All Names, Amen.
strength today. For those who have lost loved ones and lost everything they
have please be their shelter in this storm and the provision they need as they
look around them wondering how they will go on from here. Forgive me Lord, for
being selfish in my thoughts of complaint and worrying over what I think I need
or for worrying over the things that to me are so important. But You, O God,
have provided not just for today but for tomorrow. May we look to You, no, SEEK
YOU, with our whole hearts for the rest and peace and care we need. In Jesus
Name Above All Names, Amen.
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