
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16


Today — this week especially — just seems a good week for this.


Mother’s Day is coming up next Sunday. For some of us it is a time of sweet memories and spending time with our loved ones. For others, well, not so much.


But even if it weren’t Mother’s Day, I really believe God has this word for each of us.


Our insecurities get going, our health diminishes, we get into a bad spot with either ourselves or a significant other and what happens? The enemy of our soul begins to rub in the sour thoughts and the ugly lies. He eats away at our self-esteem and self-image and before we know it, we have started believing we are worthless.


So I want Jesus to whisper into your ear, no, your heart the truth. The unvarnished truth of who you are and what you mean to Him.

Because that is the most important part of being a woman, isn’t it? Is knowing we are loved and we are enough.


God loved you so much He sent His one and only son to die for you. His love is deeper, wider, and longer than we can fathom. And He loves you so much He wants you to know you are His beloved and He absolutely adores you.


A Message for You, From Me

Hey. Hey you. Yeah. You.
I’m looking right at you.
Please. Don’t turn away.
Come. Come close. Closer.
I need to tell you a secret
and secrets are bestest
when whispered in the ear.
So come. Draw near.
That’s it. Now, turn your head
listen closely; closer than you ever have.
Because it’s the most important
thing you will ever hear me say.
Are you here? Are you listening?
I’m whispering…

You are special. Beyond compare.
You are loved more than the birds of the air.
You are important and you are needed
You are a gem still being created.
You are a treasure worth more than gold
You are a gift to all.
You are beautiful, you are good
even when you are misunderstood.
You are more precious than seashore sands
You were made by God’s own hands.
You, my dear friend, I am so thankful for
You are so loved and adored.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
11/3/2017, All Rights Reserved.


From My Heart to Yours,


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