I know you are broken
I know you are just breathing
I know you are feeling
alone and no one cares
at all.
I know you’ve cried
a thousand and more times
I know you believe you
cannot go on.
I know
because I’ve been there.
I’ve been broken
I’ve been on my last breath
I’ve been alone – and –
I’ve shed the tears.
I’ve believed I could not go on
My Father in Heaven gave Me the will
to continue to be that broken One.
For you, for all.
I took the pain, I bore the rejection
I laid down My life so that
you can go on with yours.
Trust Me
Climb into My Father’s Lap
Let Us show you what love really is
love really is.
~Marcell Warner Bridges
©6 January 2014
For Christina McKiddy ☺
Dear Friends, even though I wrote this poem for a one of my most precious friends, I wrote it for you too. Philippians 1:6 says, “being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ”. I pray that you will know how deep God’s love is for you and you will allow Him to work in your life each and every day to show you His great love.
©Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2014
Oh. My. Stars. Above! I think this is one of my favorites!! Wow. Marcie, this is powerful. We need to find you a contest to submit it to. 😀
Thank you so much Nan your words bless me greatly 🙂