Praise the Lord.
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
Psalm 147:1
A Psalm to the LORD
Your love, O Lord,
Showers down
Like red leaves in the coolest season.
Your grace, O Lord,
Flows through
Like the waters falling from heights unfathomed.
Your mercies, O Lord,
Are new
Each morning the sunrise expresses Your redemption.
Your praise, O Lord,
I lift
Because I hope in You.
Your faithfulness, O Lord,
Brings me
To my knees in reverent holy glory.
Your peace, O Lord,
Covers me
When my world is tumbling.
Your presence, O Lord,
Strengthens me
To stand strong and keep on going.
Your love, O Lord,
Is all
I need today, tomorrow, forever.
~Marcie Bridges
©2 October 2016
From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂
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