by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

Oh, love the Lord, all you His saints!
For the Lord preserves the faithful,
And fully repays the proud person.
Be of good courage,
And He shall strengthen your heart,
All you who hope in the Lord.
Psalm 31:23-24

©BridgesCreations, 2016
My week has been such a mixture of up’s and down’s. I wrote a whole different blog post to tell you about it. But you don’t need to hear about my pity party last night or how depressed I’ve been.

What you need to hear about is how God has encouraged me. How He has been my hope and my help. When I wanted to run to my husband or my best friend for comfort, I ran to God instead. As much as I needed and wanted their love, their affection, their comfort and arms around me; I needed God’s more.

As often happens, I spent today asking God what to write about. But He couldn’t speak to me because I had insisted upon letting my hurt and all that was bothering me block the flow of His Living Water.

Finally I admitted to Him that I needed Him to cleanse my heart and my mind so I could feel His presence and hear Him speak to me.

And you know what He said? “Praise Me.”

So I put on my headphones and began worshiping Him and as I did, my heart began to fill with His presence and peace. 

Will you worship with me?
A Psalm to the LORD
Your love, O Lord,
    Showers down
           Like red leaves in the coolest season.

Your grace, O Lord,
    Flows through
            Like the waters falling from heights unfathomed.

Your mercies, O Lord,
     Are new
            Each morning the sunrise expresses Your redemption.

Your praise, O Lord,
      I lift
            Because I hope in You.

Your faithfulness, O Lord,
     Brings me
             To my knees in reverent holy glory.

Your peace, O Lord,
      Covers me
              When my world is tumbling.

Your presence, O Lord,
      Strengthens me
               To stand strong and keep on going.

Your love, O Lord,
      Is all
             I need today, tomorrow, forever.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©2 October 2016

One of my favorite quotes says, “At the end of the day give your troubles to God, He’s going to be up all night anyway.” No matter what time of day it is, whatever you are going through, give it to God. Put your hope in Him and He will strengthen and sustain you through it all.
From My Heart to Yours,
I’m super excited to tell you about my new poetry book that is available now to purchase. It is so easy to stay wallowed in our pity and despair but God wants us to pour our hearts out to Him. In Broken and Spilled Out: An Offering of Poetry and Prayers for the Hurting Soul takes us on a journey from our brokenness to spilling out our hearts to God in praise. Will you join me?
You can purchase my book from: 

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