I’ve never been good with criticism. Criticism hurts. Done correctly, it doesn’t
sting as badly as outright truth. You know… the fingernails on chalkboard
truth. Either way, it still hurts. I
thought I had learned to handle it better into adulthood, but when I took a few
classes over the past few years in college that required others to judge me on
my work; I found out rather quickly that I couldn’t handle the truth. But at
some time or another in life we must let others tell us what we don’t want to
hear. We have to learn somehow from our mistakes and take the things that
others tell us and grow from it. It is
okay to yell, rant, rave, have a pity party and cry but at some point we need
to get back up and try again.
sting as badly as outright truth. You know… the fingernails on chalkboard
truth. Either way, it still hurts. I
thought I had learned to handle it better into adulthood, but when I took a few
classes over the past few years in college that required others to judge me on
my work; I found out rather quickly that I couldn’t handle the truth. But at
some time or another in life we must let others tell us what we don’t want to
hear. We have to learn somehow from our mistakes and take the things that
others tell us and grow from it. It is
okay to yell, rant, rave, have a pity party and cry but at some point we need
to get back up and try again.
So here I sit, at it again, getting back up
to try again. I had begun to measure my ability to communicate with others by
how many people had viewed my blog according to the stats on my dashboard. And
I got depressed. Why? Because according to my dashboard very few people have
been reading it. I feel like Jenny Simmons. She was the lead singer for a band
named Addison Road and last year the band broke up. Since then she has come out
with her first solo album entitled “The Becoming”. I really like it. As I read
her blog this week, I could certainly identify with her as she bemoaned how few
cd’s she has sold since it came out and how little money she is making from it.
Yes, I can identify. Sometimes you just want to throw your hands up in the air
and quit. Yet, even before reading her words tonight on waiting on the Lord,
which I really needed to hear, (http://www.jennysimmons.com/2013/06/19/heres-what-i-really-want-to-tell-you/)
I was already talking to Him and remembering why I write. Why I sing. Why I put
any effort at all into being a wife, mother, friend. It’s not for me. It’s not for you. I write, I sing, I do all for an audience of
One. Jesus Christ. He is my inspiration, my wisdom, my guide. He’s the one who
gives me the strength to press on, keep going, not give up. So once again I sit
here writing from my heart knowing He is the One that matters the most.
to try again. I had begun to measure my ability to communicate with others by
how many people had viewed my blog according to the stats on my dashboard. And
I got depressed. Why? Because according to my dashboard very few people have
been reading it. I feel like Jenny Simmons. She was the lead singer for a band
named Addison Road and last year the band broke up. Since then she has come out
with her first solo album entitled “The Becoming”. I really like it. As I read
her blog this week, I could certainly identify with her as she bemoaned how few
cd’s she has sold since it came out and how little money she is making from it.
Yes, I can identify. Sometimes you just want to throw your hands up in the air
and quit. Yet, even before reading her words tonight on waiting on the Lord,
which I really needed to hear, (http://www.jennysimmons.com/2013/06/19/heres-what-i-really-want-to-tell-you/)
I was already talking to Him and remembering why I write. Why I sing. Why I put
any effort at all into being a wife, mother, friend. It’s not for me. It’s not for you. I write, I sing, I do all for an audience of
One. Jesus Christ. He is my inspiration, my wisdom, my guide. He’s the one who
gives me the strength to press on, keep going, not give up. So once again I sit
here writing from my heart knowing He is the One that matters the most.
I write for an audience of one
Not just because I enjoy it
Not just to put down my feelings
I write because I have to
It is buried in my blood.
Sometimes it is for a friend
Sometimes for loved ones dear
Mostly, though, for Him
the One who gave me this gift.
It would be such a shame
to not use it
this wonderful communication
a treasure of greatest proportion
whether masterpiece or just notions
I write because I have to
all to an audience of One.
~Marcell Warner Bridges
© May2010 ~
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you
do, do it all for the glory of God.
do, do it all for the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31(NIV)
© 2013 Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges
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