by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges


Then they cry out to the Lord in their trouble,

And He brings them out of their distresses.

He calms the storm,

So that its waves are still.

Then they are glad because they are quiet;

So He guides them to their desired haven.

Psalm 107:28-30



“We never know when a storm will suddenly surround us. Financial situations. A runaway child. A terminal illness. It’s so important that we never doubt the assurances of God. In Mark 4:35, Jesus said to His disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” In this simple statement, Jesus was assuring them a successful voyage across the lake. He didn’t promise the disciple there wouldn’t be a storm; He just said we would make it.


Jesus made a similar commitment to us, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). No matter what trouble rises up around us, God promises that He will never leave us or forsake us. (Hebrews 13:5) He might choose to say “Quiet! Be still” to the storm or “Quiet! Be still” to our souls. Whether He calms the storm or our souls, He’s with us.” ~Wendy Pope¹





Be still my soul before the Lord
In the quiet, in the secret place,
I seek You with my whole heart.


I long to hear Your voice whispering my name
Quietly, where no breeze blows,
I sit and wait
To understand Your path, Your ways
In the quiet, in the secret place.


In the darkness You find me
You lift me up from the pit
You give me strength to walk
And light before my path.


Be still my soul before the Lord
Do not fear what is ahead
Should the mountains quake
And the valleys fill with water
In the quiet, in the secret place,
You bring a peace like no other.


Be still my soul before the Lord
In the quiet, in the secret place
Find the One who calls your name
Listen to His song of praise
As it fills your heart your inner being
Know He is God in everything.


~Marcell Warner Bridges
©21 June 2013
All rights reserved.




Father God,


Your word is filled with verses promising us that You will provide peace to us, if we just ask for it. So many places in our bible tell us to ask and we shall receive. Ask for wisdom. Ask for understanding. Ask for peace and protection. But above all, if we ask in Jesus’ name, You will do it.


Lord, today and this week, I ask for Your peace. Not just for me. But for any of Your children who are needing it. And Lord, I ask that You not only provide the peace to us, but to bring it upon us so heavily we cannot miss this miracle within us.



Thank You for being our Prince of Peace. Thank You for this gift that only You can give. Not as the world would give it, but as You give it. For even as storms rage around and within us, we know You are still with us and sailing us safely to the other side.


In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

From My Heart to Yours,




¹Keep Sowing, Mark 4. Wendy Pope. First 5 App. More Moments.


This song by Twila Paris is one of my favorites. I hope it will fill you with peace of God as you listen to it.

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