Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105
My vision is a bit blurry
not sure of my next steps
the road looks shaky
dark, curvy, and damp.
I know there’s a path
somewhere up ahead
just looking for some taillights
or a flashlight, or a lamp.
My vision might be blurry
but there’s one thing I know
my path becomes much lighter
when in His Word I put my hope.
I know longer need to worry
darkness and fear slink away
because my Lord is with me
every step of the way.
~Marcie Bridges
©20 October 2021
Be our vision Lord.
As we finish this week and begin another, calm our minds and hearts. Lighten the loads and burdens we carry. Shower us with the rays of Your light and bring us to a place of peace.
Sometimes we feel absolutely lost. As we seek You in the decisions we need to make, Lord, hold our hands while we walk through Your grace. Open our eyes so we do not walk blindly, but by strong faith.
Thank You for Your love. Thank You for helping us during the tough times and bringing us safely through the rough roads.
May Your word guide us and keep us, until we are safely home with You.
In Jesus’ name we pray,
From God’s heart, through my heart, to yours,
Marcie 🙂
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