“Last of all I want to remind you that your strength

must come from the Lord’s mighty power within you.”

Ephesians 6:10 (TLB)



It’s a beautiful sunny sky blue day

top off the tank

drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway

stop here and there

drink in the perfume of Spring

wind the curves

to our favorite lake not visited

in a month of calendars

dirt paths give way to rippling waters

camera at the ready

capturing with each shutter

whatever it is

I am trying to say.


~Marcie Bridges
©11 April 2018


I have struggled all day to find the right words to write to you this week. I really have no idea what to say or where this is about to go. My thoughts rapidly running out of control.


I have had many ideas, but none of them seemed to be just the right thing.


I read my Bible and prayed and listened for His still, small voice. Sometimes His voice says, “Just be still.” And I think that is what He is saying tonight.


“Quit striving over this. Relax. Just think about Me.”


Could it be in the pleading and begging for words I have missed what He was speaking over me? Could it be in trying and trying to come up with something I have simply worn out my mind and heart and there just isn’t anything to really say?


This past week my husband and I went to Nashville, Tennessee. I had a conference to attend and he wanted a vacation, so he tagged along with me. Our route there was quite beautiful. We decided to take a slightly longer way to avoid the highway and we were rewarded with some exquisite scenery.


Much of the way through Western North Carolina we drove past a raging river. Sometimes it got quiet and peaceful. While other times it pushed itself down the mountain, its white caps foaming and frothing past rocks. I couldn’t tell if it was in a hurry, or maybe it was caught up in the rest of the commotion and had no other choice but to be swept away.


And doesn’t life feel like that? One minute all is peaceful and calm, the next you’re hurdling for your life trying to steer clear of the jagged rocks and other debris?


It’s funny how when we get back home from such a wonderful trip life has to crash into the beautiful. Suddenly we become overwhelmed and agitated and the peace we had a few minutes ago has been shattered.


But today as I was out doing errands I turned on the radio and a one-minute of encouragement by Luis Palau came on. He asked if we were overwhelmed and discouraged. If so, remember Ephesians 6:10. “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.”  (NKJV)


Luis encouraged us to be strong in the Lord. Not in our strength, but in God’s strength. For when we try to do it by ourselves, we feel defeated. But when we do it in God’s strength, no matter what we did or didn’t do, we still feel that accomplishment because we did it with God.



There’s a possibility a tear or two leaked out as I drove. Realizing my angst was not from the Lord, but from my own selfish heart. After some confession and a nap, I felt much better and was able to let go of all that was causing division in my mind and heart.


So, if you find yourself overwhelmed by your circumstances or your day, maybe even at a loss for words, find a quiet place to pray. Ask God to be your strength.


From My Heart to Yours,



The Living Bible copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

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