by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges
But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger,
as though He did not hear. So
when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up
and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”   
John 8:6b-7 


Trembling from head to toe

Waiting for them to cast the first

All by myself before these men

They caught me by surprise in a bed.

Yet where I was, who I was with

Was a sin I knew I shouldn’t commit

So I here I stand before The Man

Would He judge me just like them?

I bowed my head afraid to look

Listening as their accusations

Then I heard His quiet,
authoritative words

“He who is without sin among you

Let him throw a stone at her

With my last shred of courage I
dared to see

What was about to happen to me

The man who spoke was writing on
the ground

I watched as each man dropped their

They walked away slowly one-by-one.

Til the only ones left were He and

“Woman, where are those accusers of

Has no one condemned you?” He

“No one, Lord.” I started to cry.

My eyes then grew round as He

“Neither do I.”

Amazed and astonished I almost
missed it

There was a bit more to his

He looked at me so lovingly

With eyes that bore His Calvary.

He said, “Go and sin no more.”

And in that moment I understood it

I’d been forgiven, been set free

From a life of adultery, pure agony.

A second chance to show the world

There’s more to life than shameful

I couldn’t believe how clean I felt

I wanted to run, scream and shout!

How I’d been forgiven all of my

My heart unburdened, new life to

You can know this newness too

Be washed by the blood; only He can

And when the Accuser comes to call

Do not cower, stand tall and strong

Look him in the eye and with
boldness say

“Go ahead, cast your stone. I’ve
been saved!”

~Marcell Warner Bridges

©2015, All Rights Reserved
*Based on the passage of John 8:1-12

I don’t know about you, but I am
sick to death of the stones Satan hurls at me. There are days I want to lay
down my armor and give in because I get tired of fighting the battle.

Just like this woman’s accusers were ready to throw stones at her, Satan threw worry,
sickness, exhaustion, insecurity, and several other temptations my way this last week. I have to
admit, my strength was weak especially during exhausted times, but with the
help of my prayer partners and God I battled through it.

God always, always, always gives
us a way of escape for temptations. He also provides spiritual armor for us to
put on to fight against Satan’s fiery darts. It’s so essential we put the armor
on every day.  

God never meant us to live lives of sin but to live in His
victorious salvation. 

I pray that we will all remember to put on His armor daily (Ephesians 6:10-18)
and walk in the light of His love, grace and peace. May we remember to use His
most powerful weapons of prayer and His Word to defeat and escape temptation.

From My Heart to Yours,


Photos provided by Pixaby 

© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2015

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