“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses,

let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us,

and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,”

Hebrews 12:1

Oh my soul,

you’re not so alone

even when days are long

it’s hard to move on


should you lose your way

decide you just can’t stay

find life too unbearable


Oh my soul,

you are not so alone

there’s a God

who knows


what you’re going through

your fears, doubts, and wants

what lies ahead


Oh my dear soul,

you are not alone

not through the wind

not through the rain

not through the dust

not through the pain


there’s nothing to fear

no shame in the tears

He’s always here


Oh my soul,

you really are

not alone.


~Marcie Bridges

©11 August 2021

Sometimes the urge to quit, to give up on life, becomes so strong we almost convince ourselves it is the right thing to do.


Maybe it isn’t giving up on life, but giving up on a circumstance in our life. We push hard, go the extra mile, strive to reach a certain goal or make a situation better, then suddenly without warning we realize we just can’t make a go of it.


I’m saying “we”, because I know every one of us have gone through this at some point in our lives.


Perhaps the quitting takes place quietly. We don’t even know we’ve quit until the day comes we see we are right back where we started.


And depression sets in. The what-if questions begin. We berate ourselves, put ourselves down, and just sit in the quagmire of defeat.


The last two weeks, while watching the Olympics, I realized something. I’m sure it has dawned on me before now, but right now watching these athletes pursue their dreams it became more of a focus in my mind.


They didn’t pursue their dream alone.


Let me repeat that for those in the back: they didn’t pursue their dream on their own.

Each athlete had someone who believed in them. Someone put time, effort, energy, and finances behind each athelete to help them maintain their course and go the distance all the way to the Olympics.


This is what I want us as Christians to see too. We do not run our race to heaven alone either. There is a God in heaven who has put His own energy and power behind each of us to go the distance. And, not only God, but we have a cloud of witnesses cheering us on. Watching, waiting, urging us to keep the faith and keep going.


“But those people are in heaven Marcie. I can’t see them. I can’t hear them. How does witnesses in heaven help me? I want someone real. Someone with skin on to be here to walk this journey with me,” you ask me.

Oh my friend, I so get that. And that’s important too. On the days we feel like we have no one, we simply need to rest in God and let Him fill us with hope and peace. But learn to reach out. Learn to accept the help of others here on earth too.


If I’ve learned anything from this past year, I’ve learned to let others lean into me and to lean into them when I need them. I have a therapist to go to when I need the extra help. I have a husband to cling to when life is hard. I have a best friend to pray with and I can call her at the last minute just for. I have family nearby to be with me as well.


I hope you have a support system here to lean on when you need someone. But if you don’t, I know a God and a whole cloud of witnesses who is cheering you on. Lean into Him. Press into His bosom and listen to His heartbeat. Just say His name: Jesus. And He’ll be right there with you.


Life can be hard. Don’t run this race alone. Run with (and to) Jesus.


From My Heart to Yours,

Marcie 🙂



horses photo provided by www.pixabay.com

ducks and kitties copyrighted by marciewbridges.com


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