Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23
If it weren’t for Jesus I wouldn’t be here
And neither would you, but do you care?
The sun comes up every morning
Slips away in the eve
What a beautiful feeling it is just to breathe.
You only complain from sun up to sun down
Your fear of living has become your crown
(Living in fear is no life at all.)
I wish you’d reconsider
Take the chance to be free
Of the fear and the worries and insecurities
Step up to the cliff of life and just fall
Fall into Jesus and give Him your all.
And when you do, how I can’t wait to see
The girl in this life you have always been meant to be.
~Marcie Bridges
17, May 2020
We know God has not given us a spirit of fear1. We know God is not the one who causes confusion2.
In contrast to these emotions, God does provide peace and He also guides us in all wisdom and clarity. That is, if we will let Him.
But so often, we allow our emotions and our thoughts to become the center of our attention, and even our affections. Instead of guarding our hearts and focusing on Jesus, we focus on trying to put ourselves at rest of our own accord.
Whether it be through eating, keeping busy, sleeping, or just staring off into space, we try to control our day through distraction.
What if we changed that focus? What if we threw ourselves into the arms of Jesus and just gave Him every part of ourselves?
Sure, we can live in fear right now. And who would blame us if we did? But let me share a bit of encouragement with you from Priscilla Shirer she gave us on Living Proof Live this past Friday evening:
It is not an accident God has us here now in this time and this sphere of influence. Ask God for clarity on what He wants you to do and then, lean on the Holy Spirit to empower you to be all God has called you to be.
While we wait for the gates to be opened back up and our lives to be given some freedom again, let’s not forget we have family, friends, and social media we can influence for God right now. We can be a light for Jesus.
It’s time to be who God made you and me to be. Guard your heart from anything that does not allow the flow of God’s love through it (worry, anxiety, panic, etc…), then take the lid of the lamp off3 and shine His love to everyone around us from the top of our hill.
From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂
¹2 Timothy 1:7
²1 Corinthians 14:33
³Matthew 5:13-16
all pictures provided by www.pixabay.com
Amen and amen!!