by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges
In the city of our God, In His holy mountain.
Beautiful in elevation, The joy of the whole earth,
Is Mount Zion on the sides of the north,
The city of the great King.
Psalm 48:1-2
“Holy Spirit You are welcome here. Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your glory God is what my heart longs for, to be overcome by Your presence Lord!” ¹
I do.
But I don’t always ask for it. And confession, sometimes I ask, but I don’t feel His presence. It’s like a black and white television show. There’s no color to my world. I feel desperate despair.
I sincerely request His presence. It goes something like this:
Father God, I know I’ve sinned against You and against You only. I come before You in repentance and desire Your forgiveness. Lord, please wash my heart, mind, soul and spirit through the blood of Your Son, Jesus. May I become whiter than snow. Father, I ask for You to reveal Yourself to me as only You can. Show me Your path of goodness and righteousness and shower me with Your presence and love. Thank You, Father, for loving me. Thank You for Your grace. In the power, blood and the name of Jesus I pray, amen.
And His response?
“Here I am my child. I never left You. All I see is my Son in You. I’ve been waiting for You to come running back to me. I love you.”
Then I open His Word and there He is. In all of His glory as the sun comes back out to play and suddenly, like in The Wizard of Oz, everything blossoms into brilliant rainbows of color.
It started as a whisper
slow, hesitant, unsure.
A longing in my spirit
desiring something more.
An empty house beckoned
my heart to speak His name
quietly in surrender
my lips began to praise.
Each word a little stronger
eyes close, hands raise,
tears flow
And I find myself standing
in Your presence
“How Great Thou Art”
becomes an anthem.
When the last note is sung
the tears drop one-by-one
knees buckle beneath Your glory
as Your love covers me wholly.
~Marcell Warner Bridges
©18 September 2016
All Rights Reserved.
¹Holy Spirit written by ©Bryan & Katie Torwalt
Lord, I want to be overcome by Your Spirit
An empty house beckoned my heart to speak His name in praise
This is such a beautiful, restful post. Thank you for reminding me how sweet His Presence is.