I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

Jeremiah 31:25



I was invited by the river

to go slow, meander

take my time, float along

do whatever I want.


The river calls to me

and I linger at its bank

ready to accept, give in

to its quiet, solemn rest.


I wondered in my wanderings

what the catch might be

the only thing the river asked

don’t be stagnant in my dreams.


~Marcie Bridges

©19 January 2022




The one thing about rivers is, they don’t stand still.


Rivers travel. They bubble and gurgle, always flowing somewhere. But they don’t get stagnant.


There are times when we feel we need to stop. Take a breather, take a rest, curl up in the darkness or go someplace quiet, and be alone. This is okay. Even Jesus went off to be by himself.


But while we’re there, let’s not stop growing. Don’t stop dreaming. And definitely do not stop praying.


Galatians 6:9 encourages us to not give up. Rivers don’t give up. They don’t quit. No matter how many rocks and hills and logs might be in their way, rivers always find a way around their obstacles. And so must we with God’s help.


So, maybe today we sit back and rest. We enjoy God’s creation and let him satisfy our soul. Then tomorrow, we pick ourselves up and find a new way to keep going.


From My Heart to Yours,

Marcie 🙂


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