My mother gave me a book of poetry she had that I love to sit and read. It is filled with poetry of all sorts of themes. But here is one of my absolute favorite poems and I hope you find encouragement from its words:

“God’s Bank Ain’t Busted Yet”

The bank had closed; my earthly store had vanished from my hand;
I felt that there was no sadder one than I in all the land.
My washerwoman, too, had lost her little mite with mine,
And she was singing as she hung the clothes upon the line.
“How can you be so gay?” I asked, “Your loss don’t you regret?”
“Yes, ma’am, but what’s the use to fret?
God’s bank ain’t busted yet?”

I felt my burden lighter grow; her faith I seemed to share;
In prayer I went to God’s great throne and laid my troubles there.
The sun burst from behind the clouds, in golden splendor set;
I thank God for her simple words: “God’s bank ain’t busted yet?”

And now I draw rich dividends, more than my hand can hold.
Of faith and love and hope and trust, and peace of mind untold.
I thank the Giver of it all, but still I can’t forget
My washerwoman’s simple words: “God’s bank ain’t busted yet!”

Oh, weary ones upon life’s road, when every thing seems drear
And losses loom on every hand and skies seem not too clear,
Throw back your shoulders, lift your head and cease to chafe and fret,
Your dividend will be declared: “God’s bank ain’t busted yet!” 

by Alice P. Moss

I know many of you are going through hard times, especially financially, and this poem has always encouraged me when we have felt the strain of such hardships. But this poem does not just speak of financial hardship, it also encourages us to look to God when we feel burdened in any area of our lives.

Lord, we thank You that You are JEHOVAH-JIREH the One who provides for us in every circumstance. We love that we can come to You with empty hands and hearts for you to fill them to overflowing with Your everlasting love, grace and mercy.  Thank You for providing friends and family to share in our burdens when possible and for being a God who cares for us and provides the hope we need to continue on in life’s journey.  I pray that we learn to store our treasures with You and not here on earth.

“I have been young, and now am old; Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his descendants begging bread.”  Psalm 37:25

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