by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges 

My soul, wait silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
Psalm 62:5
I was driving home thinking about my day. Well, really, thinking about a lot of things. When suddenly I realized I had not done my quiet time for the day.

β€œWhat a minute,” I said out loud. β€œYes, I did. I even prayed. Wow. What does that say about my Bible time?” I drove the rest of the way home feeling very somber.

I try to spend time reading God’s Word, a few devotions and pray first thing every morning. And there are days when it really sticks with me. You know what I mean. Like you can’t think about anything else but the message you received kind of stick with you.

But more and more lately I find myself not giving a second thought to what I’d read. And I wonder, what am I doing wrong? What’s wrong with me?

I mean, am I the only one? The only one who finds most devotionals shallow without enough depth to hang your hat on?

Hmmm … maybe it’s my prayer time. Maybe I’m not spending enough time with God in prayer. Maybe I’m not saying the right words.

This kind of unease that feels as if something is wrong between me and a friend and not exactly knowing what it could be. How do you fix it when you can’t pinpoint what it is? How do you talk about it when you’re not sure what to talk about?

I’m not at all sure. I know there must be something more to this than just reading a short paragraph, a few verses and a prayer. I know there must be.

And then it occurs to me. My relationship with God isn’t based on a short devotion and a hurried, or unhurried,  prayer. My relationship with God is through a quiet stillness with Him. It’s reading His Word and making it a personal part of my day. 

The other day my best friend said she had written several pages of thoughts in her journal during her quiet time. I can’t remember the last time I took out my journal and wrote my heart thoughts to God.
I can’t remember the last time I had a journey into stillness with God. A time of true refreshment. A time of soaking in His Words and writing down what I feel He has said to me. A time of both giving and receiving. A time of both speaking and listening. A time of real conversation with the Lord.
Journey into Stillness

As each new day comes
our minds grow weak
our souls become numb
we must travel each day
on one rule of thumb
journey with God into stillness.

Tune out all the noise
curl up in Jesus’ arms
breathe His name in the dark
surrender to His voice
as you simply β€œbe” in the stillness.

Should your body protest
your mind not be at rest
shoulders sagging in distress
picture yourself hand-in-hand
walking with God in the stillness.

He’ll be with you to the end
carrying you closely as you mend
as each new day comes
a stronger person we’ll become
as we
journey with God into stillness. 

~Marcell Warner Bridges
Β©3 February 2017
All Rights Reserved
I miss my Lord. And now that I know what the problem is, I can’t wait to fix it. God didn’t go anywhere, He’s been here with me all along waiting for me to come and sit with Him.
When was the last time you journeyed into stillness with God?
From My Heart to Yours,
Enjoy my poetry? Come find me at Marcie Bridges Poetry Writer on Facebook. 

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