by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges
I come
just as I am
as I wash these dishes
launder the clothes
clean the bathroom
from head to toe
polish the furniture
mop the floor
I come
just as I am
dirty, filthy,
with rags in hand
a pile of trash
to take out to the curb
all of the shame
with all of the hurt
I come
just as I am
not another day
will I wait to make amends
today Lord,
right here and right now
I come
here’s my heart
just as I am
break each barrier
break each band
cut through the chains
that keep me at length
take all of me
I surrender
Just as I am
~Marcell Warner Bridges
©November, 2017
All Rights Reserved.
Devotions were leaving a void within me. Have you been there too?
Nothing seems to grip your heart. Every verse just complicates life. You want answers but none are coming and life just feels like it is falling apart.
My eyes spied the pile of dishes by the sink. Maybe if I do the dishes I’ll feel better? Someone needs to do them. So I got up, turned up the music and began my task.
Her soothing voice interrupted my dark mood…
I come to You, I run to You
There is nothing that You don’t see
You love me just as I am…”
I come to You … just as I am. My hands stilled. My heart stirred. I closed my eyes and let the song fill my soul. Tears poured forth.
Could this be how devotions can be done? Does it always have to be sitting on the couch, reading my Bible, and prayer? Can it be that in doing this work, I’m giving myself to the Lord?
I bowed my head and surrendered myself to Him. Every action, word, deed, and thought. Whatever I had to do, wherever I needed to go, I gave to God, just as I was, right then.
Bible study, Bible reading, and prayer are an essential part of our Christian walk. But I think every now and again, God is okay with us just enjoying being with Him and serving Him as our quiet time.
A close friend reminded me recently, “It’s not about rules, it’s about relationship.”
And just the other day my daughter told me she didn’t like the do’s and don’t’s of Christianity. She doesn’t want to be in a religion that is so strident. But that’s the greatest part of having a relationship with Jesus Christ. It isn’t about rules. It’s about how much we love Him, because He loved us first. He gave His life for us.
So many times we get so caught up in ourselves and get so distracted by “everything”, we forget to just come to Jesus. Let Him have it all. Not trying to clean ourselves up first, but coming just as we are in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving to Him.
I usually don’t like The Message translation of the Bible, but I want to share with you its take on the main verse for today. I think it speaks volumes in how we surrender our lives to the Lord.
“Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.” Colossians 3:15-17
Does my #quiet #time always have to be done the same way every day?
Devotions…It’s not about rules, it’s about our relationship with the Lord
Amy Grant: Just As I Am/Jesus Take All of Me
Absolutely loved the poem and your reflection here, Marcie. Yes, it's not about rules, it's about relationship. And thankfully, we can come before Jesus just as we are at any time of the day or night.
It's such a privilege to be able to go before God's throne of grace, isn't it? I wish I could seal in my heart what a special time it is and always run to Him first. Blessings to you as well Martha 🙂
I needed this today. Thank you!
The Lord is good and faithful Norma. He's waiting for you to come. Just as you are. Isn't that beautiful? Love you 🙂
This is one of my favorite posts from you! I love your transparency and great wisdom found in the difficult places. Thank you, my friend. This is awesome!
He's still working on me! And I know He is filling you and giving you all the grace you need in your difficult places too. Love how faithful God is to us, don't you? 🙂
Listening to your link to Grants song. Loved your poem, funny thing, we have a 23 yr old still at home. And have a woman who was homeless and severely disabled living here. But, your poem descibes my life perfectly. When all 3 kids were here I cooked for 8-10, there was always a friend in need of a family, love or company. I have been going to Jesus for a long time, in the way of your devotion