“But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

Luke 2:19



I don’t want any presents

at least, none that come in a box

I just want Your presence Lord,

Your love within my heart.

~Marcie Bridges
©15 December 2019



Dear Jesus, rekindle my heart for you. I want my mind renewed. Help me dear Lord, to focus on You, instead of the things of this world.


I think so often we forget this world is not our home. But who could blame us when it is all we’ve ever known?


So, this week, may we (I) remember, as I set up the decorations and light the tree, buy gifts galore and send out cards, this is all for You Lord. Help us to live for You. To celebrate You. And to share Your love everywhere.


Kindle our hearts for You Lord so all we need or want is Your presence this Christmastime.


From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂



picture courtesy of public domain pictures www.pixabay.com

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