And you will seek Me and find Me,
when you search for Me with all your heart.
Jeremiah 29:13
I want to climb a mountain
perhaps the higher I am
the closer I can get to God.
So, I climbed the mountain
reached the top
took in the view
felt on top of the world
He was not there.
Sitting on the shore
watching the tides come in, go out
I thought I’d find Him here.
Breathing in the salt air
I felt so small compared
to the vastness of the ocean
Where does the sky and sea meet?
The distance felt too great.
The meadow so peaceful and quiet
green grasses swaying in the breezes
I lay down upon its blanket
watching the clouds pass through the blue.
Surely He is here
among the flowers, vibrant and fair
the birds chirping, bees buzzing
The quiet is too quiet
it is lonely here.
Sitting on the brown colored carpet
the walls come caving in
I’ve searched the world to find Him
He’s not in any of it.
My head bows low, tears begin
I speak His name, softly, then again
somewhere in those moments
a stirring awakens within
My heart fills with emotion
as I hear Him
speak my name.
~Marcie Bridges
©7, May 2013
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