by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges 

Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, 
rivers of living water will flow from within them. 
John 7:38 
Brilliant orange, pink and purple burst forth across the ridge of the mountain tops. I had to stop. I had to drink it in. Either that, or I was going to crash my car. It was absolutely the most breath-taking sunset I’ve witnessed in a long time.

I fumbled with my cell phone and took pictures. Then I grabbed my Nikon camera from its case and shot more pictures.

The moon, too, was large and full with a soft yellow ring around it. On one hand, it soothed my soul and on the other, I shook a little at its eerieness as clouds scattered across its face. I took picture after picture of the moon (but none of them turned out well so I deleted them).

But I just couldn’t get enough of either sight. Bold, beautiful, stunning, marvelous. How I wish I could paint the vision for you with my words.  

If love is a river
Then I want to be
Swept away by the current
Of your love for me.

If love is an ocean
Then I want to ride
On the waves
That bring in faith’s great tides.

If love is a valley

Then I want to rest
In the bosom
Of shadows sweet peace.

If love is a mountain
Then I want to scale
To new heights
Higher than fear can reach.

If love is a waterfall
Then I want to bask
In the delight of
Your glory in rainbows promise.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©18 June 2015
Revised: ®12 February 2017

And I want to love God like I loved that mesmerizing sunset. I want His Spirit to flow through me like a river flows into the ocean. I want to live so close to God that His love will flow from me to all who are near me.

But how do I do that?

According to John 7:38 I must believe. Believe in Jesus. But not just believe with my head. No, I must believe with my heart as well. And when I believe, trust in Him, then His Spirit will flow through me like springs of living water.

And when His living water flows through me, then I no longer feel so dry and thirsty in my soul.

I pray that this week we will each long so hard after God that His Spirit and love will flow through us so much everyone will truly know God lives within us without even asking.  

From My Heart to Yours,
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