by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

“And she brought forth her firstborn Son, 
and wrapped Him in swaddling cloths, 
and laid Him in a manger, 
because there was no room for them 
in the inn.” 
Luke 2:7

Years ago someone gifted me a small book. More like a booklet that can fit in your pocket. But don’t underestimate the size of this book. Its message packs a powerful punch and will transform your life and heart if you will let it: 
My Heart, Christ’s Home

Each little chapter takes us on a virtual tour of each room in the house to teach us a different aspect of how we can make our hearts a better home for our Lord. We get to examine the living room, dining room, bedroom and yes, the closet too.

“More than ten million readers have enjoyed Robert Boyd Munger’s spiritually challenging meditation on Christian discipleship.

Imagining what it would be like to have Jesus come to the home of our hearts, Munger moves room by room considering what Christ desires for us. In the living room we prepare to meet Christ daily. In the dining room we examine together what appetites should and should not control us. We even explore the closets in our lives that Christ can help us clean out.

Munger’s practical and profound booklet…helps you give Christ control over all of your life.”¹

Every time I’ve read this book it has convicted me of my need to dig deeper and ask the hardest question, “Have I REALLY made my heart Christ’s home?”  

Holy is Your name.
The shepherd’s came
to see this infant babe
declared from on high
angels in the sky
singing Your praises
sharing the way
to Your manger.

And we today find You

like wise men of long ago
no longer in swaddling cloths
but sitting on high
on Your heavenly throne.
King of kings, Lord of lords,
we bow down and adore
humbly residing within
our hearts — Your home.

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©18 December 2016
All Rights Reserved.

There may not have been any room in the inn for Jesus, but have I made room in my heart for Him? Have you?
“Room For Jesus King of Glory
Hasten now His Word obey
Swing your heart’s door widely open
Bid Him enter while you may.” 
From My Heart to Yours ~ Merry Christmas with Love,
(click on above links to view availability) 

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