
O Lord, our Lord,

How excellent is Your name in all the earth,

Who have set Your glory above the heavens!

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,

The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,

What is man that You are mindful of him,

And the son of man that You visit him?

For You have made him a little lower than the angels,

And You have crowned him with glory and honor.

O Lord, our Lord,

How excellent is Your name in all the earth!

Psalm 8:1, 3-5, & 9

I stand amazed.
God’s creation overwhelming me.
Its vibrant, brilliant colors
the way rivers flow
and ocean’s billow
I cannot comprehend
their depth or width
how the waters meet sky
creating a horizon of endless sight.
And I wonder
how does He make it all just…so?

I can feel my lungs evaporating
hyper venting

can you tell me
help me, show me
why God would choose
to love me?
I am so much smaller
so tiny, an ant of a human
and yet,
He loves me more than
all of this beauty?


I stare across the vastness
listen to the roar
watch waves crash upon the shore
bow my head, my heart,
to thank Creator God
for this reminder
of who I am
to Him.


~Marcell Warner Bridges
©15 July 2018

It was a magical week. We had stayed at this resort several times before but never in this part of it. Our hotel room, more like a condo, was the best place we’ve ever stayed. 3 bedrooms, dining/living area, kitchen, plus 2 balconies, with an ocean view. It was phenomenal.



I spent many hours just relaxing on the bigger balcony that faced the ocean. I even made a friend. Mr. Bumble Bee flitted and flew around me but he never landed on me. Just the railing. He sat a few minutes in the sun then would fly for awhile before setting down again for a rest.

He reminded me of the needfulness of taking breaks. Taking time to relax and enjoy the scenery. Enjoy quiet moments.


I wonder if he was praying or just trying to make a decision about what to do next.

Up there on that 13th floor balcony it was breezy and cool. I think he must have enjoyed it as much as I. (Do you see him in the picture?)


I wanted to pocket it. I tried to savor each moment of each day. Especially the times out on that balcony. Don’t get me wrong. I got my feet sandy and wet. I walked with my hubby along the shoreline at sunset. (And sunsets are sooooooo spectacular at the beach!) But that quiet time sitting on the balcony in the breeze was just the thing I needed to recharge, renew, and rest.


Oh Lord my Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth!

From My Heart to Yours,

P.S. I hope you enjoy these pictures! I took over 300 of them while there!

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