© Tee-Tee Barnes Photography, 2014
Precious is He who has set us free
Wonderful Lord, God Almighty
Whom created the earth, sky and sea,
Precious is He who gave life to me.
Faithful is He who laid down His life
Jesus our Saviour willing to die
Upon a cruel cross He paid the price
Faithful is He our Sacrifice.
Patient is He who forgives of our sin
Holy Spirit living within
Convicting our hardened hearts of it
Patient is He with those who are His.
Righteous and Holy is He on the throne
Eternal Father, everlasting Lord
Ready to make His entrance bold
Righteous and Holy is He, O my soul!
Glory to Thee forever, amen.
Alpha, Omega, Beginning and End
True and Faithful, glorious Friend
Glory to Thee, our praise we give!
~Marcell Warner Bridges
4, March 1996
© Tee-Tee Barnes Photography, 2014
© Tee-Tee Barnes Photography, 2014
© Heart Thougts, Marcie Bridges, 2014
Beautiful!!! This one needs to be submitted somewhere Little Missy 🙂
Thank you Nan! It's why I've waited so long to share it with anyone. One day I'll be published. Thank you for the encouragement. 🙂