And abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.
Psalm 86:5
BridgesCreations, 2015 |
The curve ahead was not sharp but there was no predicting what lay ahead beyond it. My father could not have prepared himself for this encounter. No one could have. As his semi-truck rounded the curve my father had only seconds to react. For there, in front of him, was not only an icy road but another semi-truck had already crunched into other vehicles. They were stalled and my father had no choice.
Brakes locked, tires squealed, and smoke poured out from underneath the tires as his truck barreled straight for the other big rig. He knew he was about to smash head on into the truck in front of him but he had no other options. As he prepared for the impact he declared this:
When it was all over, my father could not get out of his truck because his doors were stuck; however, to the amazement of all the people watching, he was uninjured and alive. My dad rolled down the window and began preaching the Gospel to those who would listen and gave out tracts that told them how to be saved.
(As a side note, I am the only one in my family who saw his interview on television and I saw his truck. He should not have lived.)
I’ve been thinking about this incident a lot lately and I am wondering:
BridgesCreations, 2015 |
God’s word tells us this: “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him. For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:9-13
BridgesCreations, 2015 |
prepare our hearts to meet Thy face
confessing our sins to receive Your grace
believing in resurrection’s power
baptized in Your salvation this hour.
Give us boldness to speak Your name
when others around us blaspheme and profane
as we seek You, God, with all of our hearts
shine Your light to our deepest, darkest parts
that we may know for sure and for certain
when You’re ready to take us to Your home
we’ll be ready to meet You at Your throne.
~Marcell Warner Bridges
©10 January 2016, All Rights Reserved.
What a powerful testimony!! Thanks for sharing. Hearing about God's faithfulness is always an encouragment.
I will never forget this and I'll never forget seeing my father on television describing the whole thing. It was so surreal and I'm just so thankful for God's protection over my father the many years he drove that tanker truck.
My daughter's family recently totaled their car with my grandson in it. The rear end, front end and side was demolished. The three that were in the car walked out. God indeed gave them a second chance. Sad part is, I don't know if any of them are ready to meet the Lord. I will definitely share this with them Marcie. It may be what it takes to touch their forever hearts. Thank you. God bless your daddy who shared of our Father. Thank you for writing this and sharing His mercy , forgiveness and grace. May this touch beyond words. I love you.
My father drove semi-trucks for many years and the one thing I didn't mention in this piece is that he had just finished unloading the fuel so one of God's many protections that morning was the tanks were empty when the accident happened. It always amazes how God orchestrates the timing of these things but we don't even think of the many ways He protects us throughout our days. I am so thankful for His protection and grace too.
Marcie, what an exciting testimony about your father. And what a precious gift of grace to know you're ready to meet the Maker if you should die earlier than you expected. It baffles me when people wait so long before they seek God. I don't deserve to be saved, but I'm so glad I am. I need Him every hour.
Blessings ~ Wendy