Guest Wendy L. MacDonald, @wendylmacdonald
With Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

One of these days I’m going to travel to Canada. There are parts of Canada I’ve always wanted to see. And while I’m there, I’m going to visit my very special friend, Wendy. Wendy and I have been friends on Facebook for about a year now and I admire her poetry and prose, especially because she can say so much in so few words. Besides her poetry, her photography is absolutely beautiful. I am so grateful and thrilled to have Wendy share with us this week. 

 “I have heard their groaning and have come down to set them free.” Acts 7:33

“Like Joseph, let us be more careful to learn all the lessons in the school of sorrow than we are anxious for the hour of deliverance.” ~ Streams in the Desert

In my younger years, before I knew the Lord, I often took to my bed to avoid emotional pain. Sleep was my escape. Nowadays my family is alarmed if they discover I’m under my bedcovers in the middle of the day. I have to be pretty much incapacitated to land anywhere near beddy-bye-time before nine.

Instead, stressful events now cause me to dig deeper into my Bible and prayer at an earlier hour than normal (and more often too). I still remember the Sunday school song that says God answers prayers in the morning, noontime, and evening. So I take Him up on His offer, plus I throw in some middle-of-the-night entreaties when I wake up with a pounding heart. I also write longer journal entries when I’m worried. And that’s exactly what I did during a recent family emergency. I told God I wasn’t impressed with what was going on. I reminded Him of my past, and I shared my thoughts about how it wasn’t fair to be going through as much turmoil as before. I mean—haven’t I already been dished out enough pain? Tears streamed down my face as I scribbled down my woes.

And here’s what I sensed He replied back to me:

First God seemed to smile with warmth and compassion in His eyes. He was probably relieved I wasn’t hiding under my blankets or under the cover of religiosity; I was facing the situation and uncovering my heart before Him (don’t you love it when someone you care about shares from the heart? I think God likes it too). Then I sensed He wanted me to focus on His love, power, and the lesson I could learn in this situation. And when I changed my focus, peace covered my heart as cozily as freshly washed bedding.

And then I wrote down my petitions, praise, and the main points I was learning during the trial. 

Seeing the Lessons
After we’ve closed our eyes to pray
For God’s deliverance to come our way
May we open them while we wait
To see the lessons within each day

For though earthly sorrows cut us deep
We must not live as though asleep
For the Lord does care and sees us weep
And every promise He will keep.

Wendy/ 2016

From Our Hearts to Yours,
Wendy & Marcie

Wendy L. Macdonald is a Canadian, inspirational writer/blogger who also loves to
photograph nature. When she’s not writing, drawing, or sewing, she enjoys hiking
in the beautiful parks of the Comox Valley with her husband of 32 years. She
homeschooled her children and believes all those years of reading aloud helped
develop her love of story telling and writing. Wendy invites you to visit her
blog where you will find nature photography and links to her” Daily Bread” style
Facebook page etc. at


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