The Lord watches over you-

the Lord is your shade at your right hand;

the sun will not harm you by day

nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm-

he will watch over your life;

the Lord will watch over your coming and going

both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:5-8

Crickets chorus loudly

I can barely hear myself think

their melody maddening

yet comforting all the same.


Shadows fall across the yard

deep, wide, long

contrasting to the sun’s rays

why do I think He’s thinking of me?


When shadows fall and crickets call

the moon is rising high

my heart fills with gratitude

one more day He’s been my guide.


Shadows fade, crickets quiet,

as night falls upon the land

and I know He’s watching over me

as the moon hovers over my bed.


~Marcie Bridges

©26 September 2021

As a child, I loved the outdoors. I loved camping. I loved waking up early in the morning in the tent and hearing the birds singing. Being inside so much now, due to all my allergies, I don’t get to hear all of the wonderful sounds of the world.


But last week we had a beautiful week of weather and for several days I was able to open the windows and air out the house a bit. During those evenings I heard a chorus of crickets singing, and they lifted my spirit.


The afternoon shadows have returned as they do every fall. Shadows remind me of God’s presence in my life. No matter where I’m going, He’s right here with me. And when the sun hits just right, I can see Him all around me.

One evening last week, my daughter hurried into the house and exclaimed, “Mom! Come outside! The moon is beautiful!” Of course I had to go see. It’s too bad we have a large backyard light we can’t move; otherwise, I would have been able to take pictures. But the moon was spectacular in its glowing and I certainly felt like there was a man in the moon watching over me as I stared at its beauty.


Someone recently asked me how I find God in every aspect of nature. This is how I find Him. I see Him in every shade, every creature, every color, and I feel Him through the breeze, and the sky.


Jeremiah 29:13 says, “And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”


If you’re looking for God, ask Him to show Himself to you. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you. I know He will do it. Because He does it for me every time I ask. And know this too, God is watching over you. He’s got the whole world in His hands, and that my friend, includes you too.


From My Heart to Yours,

Marcie 🙂


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