Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable and pleasing in Your sight,
O Lord, my [firm, immovable] rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14 AMP



Sing with joy, O my soul.
Embrace the warmth of His arms
snuggle deeper, hide beneath,
the shadow of His wings
where lullabies are softly humming
from within His breast serene.


Sing, O soul, lost and weary,
drift on the breeze of His love
listening to His voice, soft and gentle,
follow, as Jesus whispers in your ear.


Sing with joy, O my soul.
Rest in quiet, peaceful harmony
breathe in deeply, knowing
He’ll never leave you
the One who loves you


~Marcell Warner Bridges
©26 August 2018
all rights reserved.




I love this. Meditation in the Hebrew is: higgayown – resounding music (like the sound of harp strings after they are struck).


Let the words of my mouth and the resounding music of my heart be acceptable to You, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.


Oh how I love You Lord. I do.


But too often it seems I don’t love you. My actions, or sometimes lack thereof, are not pleasing to others, to me, and especially not to You.


My thoughts are often uncontrollable. I linger upon things I should not. And my eyes. They wander from what is good and pure to look upon, leading my heart astray from You.


Oh that I would seek You instead! That I would remember Your words and abide in them—in You—when I begin to walk off course.


For it is in You, Lord, I find my strength. I cast myself and all of my cares upon You because You give me courage to do what is right. Your word keeps me from stumbling.


My husband played guitar at church in his guitar socks


Oh dear Lord, may we sing a beautiful song in our hearts to You this week. A sweet melody that will fill our homes with the fragrance of You.


Because that’s what abiding is. Living each day, each moment, with You.


From My Heart to Yours,


P.S. I enjoyed reading Psalm 19 in its fullest in the AMP version. Here is a link to soak it in to your spirit this week.

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