You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand,
beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness,
being led away with the error of the wicked;
but grow in the grace and knowledge of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.

2 Peter 3:17-18

I Used To …


I used to be able to see my feet
watch where I was walking
the direction I was going
with confidence, even a bit arrogant
I used to


I used to pray on bended knees
for hours with simple ease
no pain, no stiffness
praying with courage, even boldness
I used to


I used to breathe easy … in and out
sing with strength, speak up and out
with exuberant spirit, no hesitation
I used to


But now, my steps falter
my knees give out while standing
getting up off the floor is impossible
I wheeze, each breath whistling


and I wonder…
Where did I go?
Will I ever find my way back home?


I used to hold out my hands
palms upward, receiving
arms outward, giving
in confidence, smiling, laughing
I used to


I know we all change, never the same
but I hope one day to find the strength
to walk, kneel, pray, sing, and speak
hold my hands out willingly
give and grow and learn to be
who I am today.

~Marcie Bridges
©22 December 2023


Are you growing in your walk with the Lord, or have you become stagnant and weary? We all go through desert times in our Christian life.


The key to getting out of the desert is prayer.  As you pray, ask God to guide you in how which way to go. Find passages in God’s word that speaks to your heart for endurance and strength.


My husband said to me today, “When I don’t know what to pray, I simply thank God for the intercession of His Holy Spirit who already knows what we need.” I took comfort in those words. Prayer is our life line to God but oftentimes, it is our last resort.


Usually I would encourage a person to not try to be what they were; but instead, to pursue a life of maturity in the faith. However, as I elude to in my poem, at one time I was really on fire for the Lord. I had a deep faith and a desire to follow Christ wherever He would lead me. But somewhere along the line, I lost all that. Sometimes part of growing, is stepping back to become something you once were. So, I’m seeking to find God again and return to the childlike faith I once had.


The funny thing about the desert is, it is barren and dry. Have you been drinking from God’s well? Are you cupping your hands in the waters of life and taking deep gulps of His grace?


May we all learn to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord, Jesus Christ this year and become fruit-filled Christians.


From My Heart to Yours,


Still Growing Up #GrowinginGrace #WalkingwithJesus #Poetry Share on X

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