Take Courage ~ the story of a little leaf
I clung to my branch as tight as I could
afraid to let go, unsteady and unsure
watching all of my friends
as in bravery they released their hold
flew on the wind, landing safely and sound.
For weeks, I battled my fears and my doubts
through wind, rain, chilly sunshiny days
‘til one day a slight singing breeze
whispered my name.
In almost a plea, she said to me,
“Let go little leaf, it’s your time to rest,
the One who made you will cradle your head.
It’s time to take courage, give Him your best
I promise you’ll land safely in His hand.”
And so,
I summoned all my courage, said a quick prayer,
then let go of the branch and the perfect shelter there
the breeze lifted me higher than I’d ever gone before
then slowly, so gently, set me down on faith’s floor.
I smiled and thanked the soft, gentle breeze
for showing me how to take courage with ease
and she said with a grin,
“I knew you could. I’ll see you next year!”
As she sailed away to the next leaf needing her.
~Marcie Bridges
1 November 2021
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage;
do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God
is with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Oh, this is lovely, Marcie! Such gentle encouragement. Bless you.
Sandi, I’m so grateful this encouraged you. Blessings to you as well, Marcie 🙂
That was a sweet story! Thanks Marcie!
I’m so glad you like it Connie, thank you for visiting. 🙂
I love it!
Thank you so much Elizabeth! 🙂