For You are great, and do wondrous things;

You alone are God.

Teach me Your way, O Lord;

I will walk in Your truth;

Unite my heart to fear Your name.

I will praise You, O Lord my God, with all my heart,

And I will glorify Your name forevermore.

For great is Your mercy toward me,

And You have delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.

Psalm 86:10-13



Take my breath away

as Your words

a mighty wind

sweep over me

and as I inhale

I choke up

unable to speak

or even cry out

for Your voice

washes over me

drowning me

in its softness

its fullness of grace…

oh, please, God

take my breath away

with the wonder

and the majesty of



~Marcie Bridges
©24 February 2020
all rights reserved.


Oh Lord my God, I am so in awe of You. I really am.


But most of my days are just filled to the brim with…stuff. Nothing important really. Though I treat all things more important than You.


I consume myself with the things of this world and I forget to give You praise. I forget to pray and ask for Your help. I forget to allow You to be Lord of my life.


And here I sit. Writing a blog post about Your majesty when it is the first time all day I’ve really given much heed to You at all.


Yet, through Your love and Your grace You give me words to pen and thoughts to say. I do not deserve such considerations Lord, except through repentance and the seeking of Your heart.


Thank You. I long to worship You Lord. I desire to serve You in my inward being more than these things that consume my time and attention.

Lord, take my breath away. Not in the heart stopping, dying kind of way. But the “I can’t believe You did this all for me” way. Bring me that awe and delight I can’t help but feel as I watch the ocean and sense the wonderment of Your presence. Even in the simplest of creation renew my spirit within me. Reveal Yourself to me in ways so powerful I will never ever forget Your love and faithfulness to me.


For You are God, and there is no other. You are Lord, over all forever.


In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.


From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂


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