I don’t want to be like you
broken down, blue
sitting there all alone
always wondering what went wrong
I don’t want to be in that place
where there is never any grace
or peace upon this heart of mine
I don’t want to feel ashamed
of what I’ve been or done
I don’t want to be that way
where there’s always sorrow, always rain.
I want to be someone new
someone kind, loving
always encouraging always humming
words uplifting, words of praise
That’s the only way
I want to be.
~Marcell Warner Bridges
©29 January 2013
Patterning our lives after people we know, we love, or maybe even have set up on a pedestal causes dissatisfaction in our lives. It causes us to always be jealous of what other people have and how they look or how their lives have turned out so much better than we think ours have. When we try to live our lives like others instead of how God wants us to live, we turn everything into what we want instead of what God wants. And we can become depressed and even bitter.
God wants us to live our lives for Him. To be a Christian is to be like Christ (Ephesians 5:1-2) and to be like Christ we need to renew our minds and our hearts through the reading of His Word (Romans 12:2), prayer and asking Him to mold us and shape us into the person He is desires us to be (Jeremiah 18:1-6; Isaiah 64:8).
© Heart Thoughts, Marcie Bridges, 2013
The perfect description of the Marcie I know:
"I want to be someone new
someone kind, loving
always encouraging always humming
words uplifting, words of praise."
You are a beautiful daughter of the King who brings a smile to His face every time He thinks of His "Smiley". Love you!
You're so sweet and precious dearest friend. I love you 🙂