“My soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food,

and my mouth will praise you with joyful lips,

when I remember you upon my bed

and meditate on you in the watches of the night;

for you have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings

I will sing for joy.”

(Psalm 63:5–7)


Photo Credit: Gaye Aponte, 2019


The sweetest time in all the world

a time no other can compare

there’s a special, precious quiet

it’s in the watches of the night.


Whether it is the midnight hour

or an awakening near dawn

sharing my cares and thoughts with God

is dearest in

the watches of the night.


~Marcie Bridges

©3 June 2019


Photo Credit: Marcie Bridges, 2019

The watches of the night.


In Biblical times there were originally three times in the night that were set as times for those who would watch for the enemy advancing during the night. Later, in the New Testament times, it was increased to four times a night.


I’m coming into that time of life when, well, let’s just say, my body is changing. Some nights I sleep really well. While other nights I’m too hot, too cold, too hot, too cold, etc…


It’s frustrating to say the least.


But what if I took those moments and made them God moments? Moments when I take time to pray and have some quiet conversation with Him.


I tend to try to keep my brain at rest once I go to sleep. If I wake up I don’t look at the clock and I try to not let my brain start thinking on things. But, I wonder if giving this time to God would help me sleep better? What if I let my brain wake up a little bit and I spent this time in prayer?


I’ve been going through old files. Re-reading poems and other things I’ve written. I notice I have a penchant for opening my word processor and typing prayers to God. And not just any kind of prayer. But soul-searching, heart-wrenching, tear-jerker prayers. Do you know the kind I’m talking about? So private, no one else in the world has heard them or seen them?


At the end of this last one it says, “It’s kind of late now Lord. I need to go to bed. Thank You for being here for me. Thank You for this talk. Remind me of Your words as I go to sleep tonight. I love You Lord.”


So in the late of night, in the second watch, I was pouring my heart to the Lord. And He was there, listening, inclining His ear to me. Comforting me and letting me know, no matter what time of day or night, He is with me.


Photo Credit: Marcie Bridges, 2019

The watches of the night is meant for soldiers to be awake and keeping watch for the enemy coming. In the Garden of Gethsemane it was meant to be a time for the disciples to be praying with our Lord. I don’t think there’s a better time for prayer against the enemy or pouring out hearts out to the Lord, than to be praying during our own watches of the night.


Are you going through an intense battle right now? Are you needing some uninterrupted quiet with the Lord? I think you’ll find Him in the watches of your night too.


From My Heart to Yours,


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