by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

I will sing
to the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
May my meditation be sweet to Him;
I will be glad in the Lord.



Soggy messy puddle on the floor
from tears that cascade over and over
hurts, fears, insecurity had surfaced
gasping for breath beneath the weight of sin
sin not realized, recognized, released
didn’t fully understand there was this need
blinded by half-truths and lies
now every little splinter brought to light
the darkness that once covered these secrets
has vanished into the forest
all things are made new
when seen in the transparency of love
things hidden from view become illuminated
and when truth sinks in freedom comes
washed in the water, renewed by The Blood
the fears that once strangled
redeemed through grace so gentle
amazing, yet, unconditionally powerful
full of mercy, healing and love
and there is no turning back
falling, falling
into His arms open wide to catch

~Marcell Warner Bridges
©6 February 2015
All Rights Reserved.

Dear Heavenly Father, I appreciate You. I love You. I adore You. I’m learning to trust You day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second upon second. Letting You catch me as I fall. Some days are messy but You’re always right there to pick me up. May we never forget that You are with us. Thank You for Your comfort. Thank You for guiding us and directing us when we seek You with our whole hearts.

No matter how alone I feel, where I go, what I do, how I act, whom I’m with I will trust the Lord at all times. I will allow Him to lead me. I will trust in Him because trusting in myself or others is fruitless. I will cling to His promises. I will lean on ― press in ― to Him. I’ll wait on Him. I will not rush. I will hold on to the things I know to be true and let His love sink into my heart and soul through and through. 

I’m learning to lean upon Jesus and to praise Him no matter the situation. How about you?
Bless the Lord, O my soul!
Praise the Lord!   
Psalm 104:35b
From My Heart to Yours,
**The above poem is excerpted from my book Broken & Spilled Out: an offering of poetry and prayers for the hurting soul. Available here on  

How do I trust You Lord when I’m a soggy puddle on the floor?

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