Guest Blogger ~ Denise K. Loock, @DLoock
by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges
You are worthy, our Lord and God,
to receive glory and
honor and power.
honor and power.
Revelation 4:11
I met Denise at a writer’s conference earlier this year and I’ve been enjoying her book of devotions, Open Your Hymnal: Devotions That Harmonize Scripture with Song. I just love this lady and I’m so excited to introduce her to you. Today Denise has graciously come to encourage us what it is like to truly worship God.
Welcome to Heart Thoughts Denise!
Every Sunday morning, my family and I
attend a worship service at our local church. We sing. We place a check in the
offering plate. We listen to a sermon. But is that what the Bible means when it
tells us to worship God?
attend a worship service at our local church. We sing. We place a check in the
offering plate. We listen to a sermon. But is that what the Bible means when it
tells us to worship God?
One of the clearest depictions of
worship in the Bible is recorded in Revelation 4. The cherubim surround the
throne of God, proclaiming “Holy, Holy, Holy,” and they “give glory, honor, and
thanks to him who sits on the throne” (vv. 8-9). Worship, therefore, is “giving
God glory, honor, and thanks.” It’s all about giving something to God, not
about receiving something ourselves.
worship in the Bible is recorded in Revelation 4. The cherubim surround the
throne of God, proclaiming “Holy, Holy, Holy,” and they “give glory, honor, and
thanks to him who sits on the throne” (vv. 8-9). Worship, therefore, is “giving
God glory, honor, and thanks.” It’s all about giving something to God, not
about receiving something ourselves.
The Hebrew word for worship is shachah,
which means to “bow down; to prostrate oneself before a superior in homage.”*
In the Bible, shachah is first used in Genesis 22. Abraham tells his
servant, “the boy and I . . . will worship and then we will come back to you”
which means to “bow down; to prostrate oneself before a superior in homage.”*
In the Bible, shachah is first used in Genesis 22. Abraham tells his
servant, “the boy and I . . . will worship and then we will come back to you”
Abraham and Isaac weren’t going to
attend a worship service in any sense that we define a worship service—no
music, no preaching. Abraham was going to glorify and honor God by sacrificing
his son. What Abraham’s experience on Mt. Moriah
teaches us is that biblical worship involves sacrifice and obedience: Trusting
God’s character when He seems most untrustworthy; obeying His Word when it’s
most difficult to do so.
attend a worship service in any sense that we define a worship service—no
music, no preaching. Abraham was going to glorify and honor God by sacrificing
his son. What Abraham’s experience on Mt. Moriah
teaches us is that biblical worship involves sacrifice and obedience: Trusting
God’s character when He seems most untrustworthy; obeying His Word when it’s
most difficult to do so.
Hebrews 11 tells us that Abraham
“considered him faithful who had made the promise” and believed God would give
him a son (v. 11). When God asked him to sacrifice that son, Abraham “reasoned
that God could raise the dead” (v. 19). Abraham focused on who God was; he
relied on God’s faithfulness and power.
“considered him faithful who had made the promise” and believed God would give
him a son (v. 11). When God asked him to sacrifice that son, Abraham “reasoned
that God could raise the dead” (v. 19). Abraham focused on who God was; he
relied on God’s faithfulness and power.
That’s the essence of worship: fixing
our eyes on God and trusting His unchanging character. If we are mesmerized by
His magnificence and awed by His power, we’ll worship Him the way the cherubim
in heaven do. We’ll fall to our knees and proclaim, “To Him who sits on the
throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and
ever” (Revelation 5:13). Amen and Amen.
Tweet: The Essence of Worship
our eyes on God and trusting His unchanging character. If we are mesmerized by
His magnificence and awed by His power, we’ll worship Him the way the cherubim
in heaven do. We’ll fall to our knees and proclaim, “To Him who sits on the
throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, forever and
ever” (Revelation 5:13). Amen and Amen.

- Read Matthew 2:1-12. The
Magi wanted to “worship” the newborn king. What exactly did they do to
worship him?
- Read Luke 17:11-19.
Before the leper thanked Jesus, what did he do? How would you explain the
difference between glorifying God and thanking Him?
- Read Isaiah 6:1-13. What
kind of worship experience did Isaiah have? What did that experience
motivate him to do? What do your worship experiences prompt you to do?
Denise K. Loock
*Blue Letter Bible. “Dictionary and Word Search
for shachah (Strong’s 7812)”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 17 May 2012.
for shachah (Strong’s 7812)”. Blue Letter Bible. 1996-2012. 17 May 2012.
Denise K. Loock is a freelance
writer, editor, speaker, and Bible study teacher.
writer, editor, speaker, and Bible study teacher.
A collection of Denise’s devotions, Open Your Hymnal:
Devotions That Harmonize Scripture with Song, was released by Lighthouse
Publishing of the Carolinas in 2010.
Devotions That Harmonize Scripture with Song, was released by Lighthouse
Publishing of the Carolinas in 2010.
It can be ordered on or at
A second volume of devotions, Open Your
Hymnal Again, was released in June 2012.
A second volume of devotions, Open Your
Hymnal Again, was released in June 2012.
is the founder of,
a website devoted to helping Christians dig deeper into the Word of God. Each devotion on the website takes an
insightful look at a Scripture passage and provides a practical application.
Then readers are given a few ways to dig deeper into a biblical word, person,
or topic so they can improve their Bible study skills. Denise also speaks at
women’s retreats and luncheons.
is the founder of,
a website devoted to helping Christians dig deeper into the Word of God. Each devotion on the website takes an
insightful look at a Scripture passage and provides a practical application.
Then readers are given a few ways to dig deeper into a biblical word, person,
or topic so they can improve their Bible study skills. Denise also speaks at
women’s retreats and luncheons.
In addition to her writing and
speaking, Denise works as a
Nonfiction Book Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas and as the Editor for The Journey Christian Newspaper, an online and print publication distributed throughout the
Carolinas, which encourages over 100,000 Christians in their faith walk each
speaking, Denise works as a
Nonfiction Book Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas and as the Editor for The Journey Christian Newspaper, an online and print publication distributed throughout the
Carolinas, which encourages over 100,000 Christians in their faith walk each
Visit She also accepts freelance editing projects. Find out more at
Born and raised in Lakeland, FL, Denise
is proud to be a native Floridian. After living in New Jersey for 22 years,
she’s thrilled to be back in the South. She lives in Waynesville, NC, with her
husband, Mace, and cat, Ginger.
is proud to be a native Floridian. After living in New Jersey for 22 years,
she’s thrilled to be back in the South. She lives in Waynesville, NC, with her
husband, Mace, and cat, Ginger.
Thank you, Marcie and Denise for such uplifting words to begin the week!
Thanks for stopping by Marcie's blog, Norma.
Beautiful post, Denise. Thanks for sharing.
I love this Denise. Thank you for opening our eyes to see the true meaning of worship. You are a blessing.