“‘This people honors me with their lips,

   but their heart is far from me;

Matthew 15:8



When you heard Him whisper

in His still, small voice

did you take time to notice

did you make the choice

to incline your ear to Him

or, did you tune the Lord out

and walk away in despair?

Oh, that we would we hear

and take time to draw near

give God our full attention

no matter what the cost.

And when we get the message

whether good or bad our fate

we’ll decide it most effective

in our hearts and lives to obey.


~Marcie Bridges
©2 March 2020


It was an incredible sound. The explosion of pots, pans, and plates on the kitchen floor. It was quite impressive!


But it also echoed the cry of my heart earlier that morning as I sat uncomfortably on a church pew. Staring up at the screen, I read:




“This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.”


I knew God was speaking directly to me, and it was searing my heart, shattering it into as many jagged pieces as the plates on the kitchen tile.


Most of my life, I’ve had a relationship with God. It hurt deep down a few years ago when He revealed to me, I didn’t really know Him. I mean, how could He say that? Of course I know God. But He was as right then, as He is now. I not only didn’t know Him as I thought I did, my heart sits in a million pieces realizing how much I proclaim God outwardly, but inwardly, I am far away from Him.

I’ve been aware of it for a while now though. At least, had the inkling inside my mind I was headed on this path. There’s been a restlessness, sort of depressed state, not really understanding why I felt so alone.


Sitting in that pew I immediately began talking to the Lord, repenting of my hardened heart and my wayward spirit.


Sometimes God has to grip us hard before we submit to Him.


“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). We can’t be far away from God, and near to Him at the same time.


But He beckons me to come. And so, just as I am, I’m coming Lord.


From My Heart to Yours,
Marcie 🙂



All photos provided by http://www.pixabay.com


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