by Marcie Bridges, @Marcie_Bridges

In their hearts humans plan their course, 
but the LORD establishes their steps.
~ Proverbs 16:9

It’s been a year since graduation. I can’t believe it. 
I spent so many years aiming for that goal and putting other dreams on hold I am not sure it has sunk in yet even now that I accomplished getting my B.A. in English.

But should I ever, EVER, take all of the honor and glory for that accomplishment then I hope my dreams never come true. Because the honor and glory belongs to God alone. 

All of the prayers prayed, all of the heartaches and joys, all of the late nights and early mornings, all of the tears of both defeat and triumph are a testimony to God. He got me through it. This degree, it is His. Not mine.

A year ago I received my degree and in a quiet moment I laid my hand on it, closed my eyes and dedicated it all to Him. My degree. My career. My writing. My new dreams.

It’s been a hard year. One of many, many ups and downs. Maybe more downs than ups. Yet, I know where I am today is only because God has placed me in the job I have now for such a time as this.

A year ago I wrote about having a new dream. (You can read about it here.)The new dreams I dreamed after graduation are still in the process of being realized but these dreams I don’t have a timeline for. I don’t have anyone to say, “Take this class and do that project in such and such amount of time” anymore.  

Now, I just rely on God and His timing. 

Dear Jesus,
You’ve held my hand all this time
You’ve helped me endure
the plans I have made are Yours
for without You they crumble and fall.
Should I ever take the glory and praise
may my days fall short, fading away
all I do from now to the end of my days
be all for You, my Savior, my King.
~Marcell Warner Bridges
©4 June 2017
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It’s a hard wait. Not easy but worth it. What dreams are you dreaming? What are you waiting on God to fulfill in your life?

Whatever they are, I know God will give us the strength to endure no matter how long the wait.

From My Heart to Yours,
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